Chapter Seventeen

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Under the sea, Percy's POV

As I swam towards the palace, using the water to speed up the process, I noticed the water around me turn back to the blue color it should be. The sea creatures saw me, and soon enough I heard the word being spread around.

"The son of the sea is back!"

"Lord Perseus is back!"

"All hail Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon!"

I chuckled as I saw some of the fish trying to do some form of bowing, though I was a little annoyed with the formal names they had for me. Seriously, I am not some prince that needs attention from everyone. Especially the fish.

Soon enough I reached the palace, making my way through without help. The mermen got out of my way, luckily, and I soon enough made it to the throne room, with Triton standing outside.

"Percy?" He asked, confused that I was even alive apparently.

"Hey Trite, what up?" I asked "Is Dad in there?"

"Ah, yeah." He told me before his face turned back to confusion "You're alive? I heard that Zeus had killed you for treason."

"Takes more than that to kill me." I told him with a chuckle before knocking on the throne room door.

"Come in." I heard a sad voice say, which I recognized as my father. I took a deep breath before opening the door, quietly closing it behind as I faced my dad. He looked up at me, a mixture of emotions in his face - happiness, disbelief, fading grief.

"Hey, Dad." I said to him, giving him a small smile.

"Percy?" He asked. Before I had time to respond, he suddenly came over and hugged me. If I hadn't trained to see moves faster than most people, I wouldn't have even seen him before I was pulled into a huge bear-hug.

"I heard that Zeus had... killed you." He told me once he let go, examining me to see how I looked. I suddenly remembered that he hadn't been there during my 'execution.'

"No, I happen to be good friends with the right people." I told him with a grin. He gave me a confused look, and I added "As in Chaos's daughter."

"So is that where you have been all this time?" He asked.

"Yep. Commander of the Chaos army." I told him with a grin, motioning to my clothes. I, like Amelia, often wore my uniform.

"Wow." He managed. He put a hand on my shoulder, smiling "You sure have a way of making me proud."

I smiled at him, so much I wanted to say but nothing to say. Finally, I managed a "Thanks."

"Does your mom know you're alive?" Poseidon asked suddenly. I bit my lip.

"I was actually planning on seeing her next." I told him. He nodded.

"Well, I'll go ahead and let you do that." He told me. I smiled at him before we pulled each other into another hug. I waved at him before leaving, happening to notice that the sea seemed to be turning back to it's actual color from the palace outwards.

Once I reached the beach again, I dodged campers and managed to make my way to the stables, hoping Blackjack was still there. I passed the different stalls, many of the pegasi coming up to greet me. It took me a little while before I managed to find his stall.

I looked in and shuddered at the sight. Blackjack was standing in the back of the stall, ribs prominent but he seemed to just be good enough to be alive. He looked at me and I swear, if a horse can smile he had a Cheshire Cat grin.

Boss! He practically yelled in my mind.

"Hey, Blackjack." I grinned coming in and stroking him as he ran up to me "What happened?" I asked, referring to his looks.

Oh, um... I wasn't really eating. He told me in an embarrassed voice Thought you were dead, boss.

"Can you please stop calling me boss?" I asked.

No can do, boss. Got any doughnuts? He asked. I chuckled.

"Sorry, I don't." I told him "But you're not getting any until you start eating better."

Oh, come on, boss. He complained. I rolled my eyes and pointed towards his barely-touched meal.

"Start with that." I told him. He snorted, but did as I said.

So, do you need a ride anywhere? he asked once he had finished what was in the bucket.

"Are you in any condition to ride?" I asked him.

Anytime, boss! He told me. I thought it over, accounting for how he looked, his probable energy levels - what? I can use big words - and the distance from here to my mom's house.

"Do you know what, how about you just rest for now, maybe later you can take me for a ride." I finally told him. He snorted.

Horse hay, boss, I can take you wherever you need me to take you! He argued.

"No, you can't. Now stop arguing." I told him before walking out of the stall. He snorted, but luckily started eating some of the hay in the stall.

I ended up choosing one of the other pegasi to bring me on a ride to my mother's apartment.

Warrior of the Sea - A Percy Jackson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now