Chapter Fourteen

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Abandoned Warehouse near CHB, Percy's POV

I groaned as I leaned back, the rest of my energy gone from my attempt to contact the camp. At this point, they either saw the sign and got the picture I tried to send out of when Perfection was last in here, or they didn't get anything, and I'm stuck here. I swear though, if Amelia comes and gets herself captured, I am going to kill her myself before even Perfection can. Well, maybe not, I don't think I can kill her after how close we've become.

I was snapped out of my thoughts as I heard someone storm down the hallway. Probably the crazed Perfection. Because I think my powers worked to at least send the signal, I have a little idea about how to escape on my own. He seems to be so focused on getting everything right, that he doesn't notice anything he did wrong. Like forget to make sure I don't have a pocket.

The door was suddenly thrown opened and, sure enough, the great primordial of getting things perfectly messed up barged in. And he looked mad.

"You sent out a signal." He told me angrily. I shrugged, like before putting on the 'I don't care' face.

"Yeah, so?" I asked "Is everything not so perfect after all?" I taunted. The plan formed in my mind, and I was almost sure it would work.

He grabbed me by the front of my shirt, pulling me up to his face "You really think you can play with me, boy? I am the-" He got off as I spit in his face.

"Yeah, I think I can." I told him, grinning. He growled, taking off the chains to pull me to another room.

"You're an idiot of a boy, you know that?" He asked as he started to drag me to the hallway. Right through the door, and...

"But not as much of an idiot as you are." I told him as I took out Riptide, uncapping it and digging into his thigh. He screamed - seriously, a perfect girl scream? - and I dashed down the hallway as he doubled over in pain.

"Get him!" He yelled, and I would have laughed if it weren't for my situation. I turned a corner, and surprisingly there weren't any monsters. I kept running, keeping Riptide out just in case some jumped out suddenly. Surprising me even more was that none did until I turned another corner. They were running up, probably had heard Perfection's call, but they weren't expecting me to still have energy, even after all the cuts and bruises Perfection had gave me.

I continued on, fighting and killing monsters as I went, but I could feel myself tiring quickly. There would be no way I could survive long enough to get out, especially with all the monsters coming. I could only hope help would come soon.

I suddenly felt pain shoot up from my side. Keeping up my fighting as much as I could, I looked down to see a spine from my old friend the Manticore. I cringed, seeing the blood starting to come out. And fast.

I backed myself up against a wall, doing my best to fight them off as the blood came out. I didn't attempt to pull the spine out, it would only make it worse. I just needed to fight long enough...

No, silly, don't fall asleep. Just long enough for them to get here. I just need to stay awake, keep fighting...

An arrow suddenly shot past me, but the darkness creeping into my vision made me think it was only a figment of my mind. Everything turned muddled, and I felt myself collapse against the wall. I heard one thing before I blacked out.

"Percy, don't leave us now."

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