Chapter Five

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Camp Half-Blood, Percy's POV

"Amelia, Luke, can we have a quick meeting in our room about the information we received?" I called out. I had just read what it was, and it didn't look good. At all.

A moment later the two got here, starting to open up the files themselves. We had long since gotten accustomed to the holographic watch display, so they both had it up and were reading it in almost no time. Frowns suddenly appeared on their faces, Amelia seeming to also be a bit confused.

"But, he was locked away at almost the beginning of the universe. How is he escaping now?" She wondered aloud. I should probably tell you who "he" is.

Perfection, younger brother of Chaos, and almost as strong.

"Well, apparently he has managed to escape, and he is the 'universal threat' we are dealing with. We're going to need to be prepared." I told them. They all nodded.

"So do we tell the rest of the group?" Luke asked.

"That was what I was wondering about. Chaos sent the information to only us, and you remember the last time that happened, so it proves it's something we don't want to freely give." I told them, and they all chuckled a bit. Last time might have been a few primordials arguing on a planet that ended up almost causing major war. Ouranos, Gaea, Chronos (not with the K, that guy is still evil), and Aether had just lately been realized from their assigned punishments.

"Alright, so save it for now?" Amelia asked. I nodded right as we heard a horn sound in the distance. Yes, we aren't being heard from the outside, but we can hear things clearly from the inside. Deal with it, this universe is weird through and through anyway.

Everyone started headed to the door, already throwing their masks on and hoods over their head. Except for one person.

"Fengo, get your mask on now!" I yelled at the red haired guy. And no, I don't mean the orangish-red like most humans have. I mean bright, blood red type of red. He is one of the few non-humans in our group, him being of a species where everyone is naturally born with a certain color for hair and eyes, so his eyes look blood red also, scaring some people, including me. Let's just say, he has learned not to wake me up staring into my eyes.

"Oh, come on, does it matter for me anyway?" He complained.

"Yes, we don't need them getting heart attacks from what they know as aliens anyway." I told him. He groaned and put on his mask and hood.

"Please tell me Nico wasn't like that when you left." Bianca asked as we headed out. I grinned and shook my head.

"No, he was more of the gothic loner type, to be truthful." I told her, which obviously made her happy, though also maybe a bit surprised, since she left her brother accidentally at a bit of a nerdy Mythomagic player stage.

Walking to the mess hall, everyone was staring at us. I mean, it made sense, we are strange people in hoods and masks, but it made us really uncomfortable. Finally, one of our members went ahead and broke the tension.

Alic, who happened to also be an 'alien', went to the side of the group, and as we neared the Ares cabin, he suddenly jumped out from the group.

"Boo!" He yelled loudly, and, surprising everyone even more than that, the Ares cabin all jumped away, and there was even a girly shriek from someone.

"Do we really scare you guys that much?" Alic asked at their reactions "The almighty children of Ares are cowering at us?" This, of course, made them regain their posture and looks, but they didn't try to attack.

"Do we know you?" Clarisse asked, glaring at him.

"Afraid I've never visited earth in my time in the army, so no." He replied smugly. A few of us snickered as we walked on.

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