Chapter Twenty-Three

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CHB, Percy's POV

It's hard to explain how I felt seeing the "brother" of mine run away. He ruined my life, that's for sure, but who knew if he would try and come back. And what about all of his "followers"? Would they try and join him? Be spies? I had no clue.

Suddenly, I heard someone clap. Once. Twice. And then more join in until everyone was lapping. The Ares cabin was even yelling their lungs out. I looked over at Amelia, who looked at me with an amused face before shrugging.

Slowly, it died down, and Annabeth, Amelia, and I continued on our original journey to the Chaos cabin.

"Give me one moment, I need to yell at the knuckleheads in there." I told Annabeth.

"You want me to come in with you or no?" Amelia asked with a smirk.

"Oh, I think the threat of inviting you in to yell at them is enough." I replied with a mirrored smirk. We both chuckled a bit before I slipped inside. I immediately started having to yell at them.

"Rose and Sizzler, stop eating each other's faces off! You have your own rooms! Huntress, stop trying to make a skin out of Sotiras! Fengo, stop flirting with Silver! Alic, stop telling Zomea that a spoon is something to gouge out people's eyeballs with! You're setting a bad example for Amarinthia!" I yelled at each of them, making the all quiet down and look at me guiltily. I smirked.

"Alright, now that I have your attention," I started, glaring at Luke who was attempting to steal a hunting knife from Zoë. Luckily he stopped. "I'm about to bring in one of the campers, so I'd suggest you put on your masks if you don't want to be revealed." A lot of them just nodded, finding their masks and putting them on (except for the few that had already revealed). Seeing that everyone was ready, I stuck my head back outside.

"You two can come in now." I told them, opening the door. The moment Annabeth stepped in, of course, she was gaping at the inside of the cabin.

"It... what... how?" She attempted. After that she just gaping like a fish out of water - which I will kill you if you cause that for your own fun, by the way.

"Close your mouth, you'll get flies in it." Amelia old her with a smirk before grabbing us both by the shoulder and dragging us to the conference room. She opened the door and slipped in before us, and I happened to notice her waving her hands over a few pictures set up on one of the walls as I came in, making a large portion of the figures in the pictures in a cloak and mask rather than how they had actually looked when the picture had been taken. When Amelia turned back towards us, I gave her a little nod, receiving a smile.

"Alright, so make sure no one comes in here while I go and get the book." Amelia told us. I nodded while Annabeth just stood there, confused. Amelia grinned before disappearing, a few flecks of purplish mist stuff appearing before disappearing, leaving no trace of her standing there. I went ahead and sat down, leaning back and putting my hands behind my head, while Annabeth looked over at the pictures.

"So your group travels a lot?" She asked.

"Yeah, we usually get about five missions a month, depending on the size of the missions. It can be pretty hard, but it's worth it. We're a pretty close group actually." I told her.

"So are they all aliens, or are there some people from here also?" Annabeth asked, looking over her shoulder at me with a confused look before fingering a one picture. It had me, Amelia, and Luke on Orseus. In the background was a waterfall, only instead of water there was this purplish liquid that tasted somewhere between strawberries, sparkling water, and a few other things from other planets. When someone described it to me once, I thought it would be gross, but it is actually pretty good. Comes nowhere near my mom's cookies though...

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