Chapter Fifteen

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Unknown, Percy's POV

Sudden light appeared behind my eyelids, and I groaned. Pain shot up my side, making me wince as the memories rushed back. Wait, where am I?

I tried to feel what I was on behind the pain. Soft, like a pillow. Okay, probably not with the crazed guy.

"I know you're awake, silly." A familiar female voice, making me grin partially before wincing.

"How did I get here?" I asked, trying to eyes before shutting them again "And tell Apollo to turn it down some, Amelia."

She chuckled "We got you from this old warehouse place. You were badly injured, and passed out right as we got there. How you even made it that far, we don't know." I squinted my eyes, managing to make out where I was. Camp Half-Blood Infirmary. Great.

"Stabbed your crazy uncle, ran away." I said simply.

"Crazy is right. That is why he was put away, you know." She told me. I frowned, opening my eyes a bit more and looking at her.

"Really?" I asked. She nodded.

"Yep. His drive to get everything perfect sent him insane, and only ended up making him mess things up. Dad had to lock him up, and threw him into that pit in Tartarus. Nyx usually makes sure that he stays put, but there has been an escape lately." She explained. I nodded, it made sense.

"So, is everyone here and okay then?" I asked, trying to sit up a bit. She immediately jumped up and pushed me back down.

"Idiot, you shouldn't be moving at all!" She yelled at me. I groaned, feeling the pain shoot up as I leaned back "And yes, everyone is fine. Few injuries here and there, but nothing major."

I nodded "Okay, good. So I'm guessing everyone knows then?" I asked. She nodded.

"Yeah, everyone's been trying to get into here. The gods might not know yet, though. Word can travel slowly on earth." She told me.

"Our group can come in, but not any campers. Not yet, at least." I told her. She nodded.

"Okay, will do so." She said. I grinned at her, and she grinned back before walking to the edge of the makeshift room thing, yelling something out that I couldn't hear. I suddenly realized that she must have made it so that the room was silent even if the outside was really loud.

Zoë stormed in, and I immediately received a slap to the face.

"What were you thinking?!" She yelled at me.

"Okay, ow?" I complained "And you know what I was thinking."

"You are the most idiotic yet smart boy ever, you know that?" She asked.

"Just my charms." I smirked at her, making her groan.

"Thou is a stupid, stupid boy." She muttered before walking out, passing a laughing Amelia. I gave Amelia a confused look, only make her laugh more.

"You... and your way... with people." She said between laughter. I smiled, rolling my eyes. I tried to sit up again, but failed, groaning from pain as I fell back down.

"So I'm stuck here." I finally said.

"Yeah. And don't try to move much, you almost were hit on a major artery." She told me, turning serious again.

"How do you turn so serious so quickly?" I asked.

"Just my charms." She answered, making us both laugh until my side started hurting with the effort. Seeing the pain, she went ahead and found some nectar and ambrosia, giving some to me.

Warrior of the Sea - A Percy Jackson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now