Chapter Three

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Chaos Palace, 2783 Chaos years later, Amelia's POV

"Catch!" Luke yelled at Percy, throwing the orange over at him from across the room. Okay, maybe I should back up, as usual. After a year of successful service to my dad, Percy had been granted being able to recruit his dead friends back from Hades' Realm, and they would become immortal upon joining the army. Okay, let me back up even further. Everyone in the army is granted immortality, at least until they leave. Anyway, back to the original statement, Percy brought back a few people, including Luke, Zoë, Bianca, and a few others. The only disappointment to him was that he had this friend named Leo, who actually seemed pretty cool from what I had heard, was "unable to be retrieved from the dead", whatever that meant. I really didn't feel like learning, I could do so in another few thousand years or something. By the way, I'm not like a million years old or something. I'm actually Percy's age, and he just happened to be the one my dad wanted for his army.

Anyway, as usual with me, I need to get back to the present.

Percy caught the orange, peeling it open and eating some out of it. After me giving him all of the foods to try from the universe - okay, forcing him - he still had a good amount of Earth food. Oh well, I don't blame him.

"Can you guys ever just hand something to each other?" Zoë asked, leaning back in a seat and throwing darts at a target next to Bianca. She had learned how to speak more up-to-date English over the many years we had together with Luke especially arguing with her on the benefits of not talking in Old English.

"No can-" Percy started.

"-Do Zoë." Luke finished, giving each other an air high-five. They had started off a bit frustrating - Percy hadn't asked for him, but Chaos forced Luke on him, and they had been arguing 24/7 - but after they saved each other's lives around ten times total, Percy forced him into second-in-command, behind me and Percy.

While the boys were laughing on the couch, I noticed my watch blinking. Though my dad could just mentally call me - which he did if I wasn't paying attention - he usually just sent me a message through my watch, which had been a gift from him when I was five. I can barely remember then, but I didn't really want to, since it usually brought back memories of the jerks at Percy's camp. I still am hoping that he wouldn't need to go back soon, since I don't know how he would react if he truly noticed the time differences...

Anyway, I opened up my watch screen, revealing a message from Chaos saying that he wanted the Storm league, our group, to be ready for a new mission in an hour. Which we knew meant pack for at least a month, and get to the throne room.

"Guys, procedure three." I told them, getting up as they all groaned. We had long since created procedure three to be 'get ready for another mission'. We all got up, heading to our different rooms that were nearby our little 'group meeting area', getting our stuff together.


After an hour, we had all met up outside of the throne room, waiting for it to open since only the people on the inside could open it. Percy seemed to be nervous, as always when he got a new mission. I couldn't blame him, we never knew where we were going or what the mission exactly was. For all we knew, we could be headed into a city to talk with the leader or a war-zone, which we could handle either way.

The doors finally opened, and I skipped inside, going over and hugging my father.

"Alright, sweetie, I need to tell them what is happening." He whispered into my ear in the language Planet Chaos used, commonly known as just Chaosish. I nodded, letting go and joining our group again.

"Okay, so once again I have a mission for you guys, but you probably will not like it." Chaos told us, his eyes landing on Percy "It is on a favored planet of mine, second only to this planet, known as Earth." Everyone groaned, even the few that weren't from Earth. Yes, we have a few from other planets, deal with it.

"What are we doing?" Percy asked. He was the only that hadn't groaned, his face instead seeming to be figuring out how to look, either surprised, or frustrated, or- oh, you get the point.

"There has been a recent universal threat, I've sent it to the watches of those that are of need of it, that needs attending to." He told us, a few of us - as in me, Percy, and Luke - getting little blings on watches similar to mine that we used to keep in touch, telling us that we have a message "And, though I know you will disapprove, we have set up with the Olympians for you guys to stay at Camp Half-Blood." With this, everyone was looking at him in surprise, though we knew better than talking against him "You are to stick to your assigned code names, though you have permission to share your identity with who you wish to. Just try not to kill anyone from surprise, please?" Chaos asked us, making the few who had gotten over shock grin. Despite the way you would expect him to act, he was actually quite cheerful to talk with.

"Is everything you have not told us in our watches?" Percy asked. Despite the mask he had managed to put up, I could see that his emotions were swirling within him.

"Yes. And be aware, it has only been about five years since you left there in Earth time." Chaos told him.

"What?!" Percy practically screamed, the mask that had just been there vanishing as the anger and surprise showed.

"Percy, remember Karof?" I asked him. He seemed to think for a minute before nodding. Between the time that we had received the notice from Dad and gotten there, there was hardly anything that needed to be done because of how fast time went there. Apparently to them it had already been seven years in the hour it took for us to be informed.

"Are you guys ready for this?" Chaos asked. We all nodded, and he opened up a portal. Yes, I did do what is known as Space Travelling earlier (not with space ships, literal space travelling), but it takes a lot of energy and concentration, while portals are a lot easier. We picked up our stuff, putting on our hoods and half-face masks, before going through one by one until me and Percy were the last to go in. Percy just stood there, lingering for a moment.

"Hey, it's okay, we'll all be there with you." I told him reassuringly, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"They're all going to be there, won't they?" Percy asked, looking at somewhere between the portal and the floor.

"Most likely, yes. But hey, at least now we can give them what they deserve without them knowing it's us" I told him, cracking a smile and luckily getting him to do the same.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." He smiled, finally looking at me as he fit his mask on before smirking and adding "Divian."

"Wavestorm." I retorted before he flicked his hood up and walked through, me waving at my dad before following.

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