Chapter Two

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Percy, first person

I groaned as I suddenly hit the floor, my eyes shooting open. Yep, I'm dead I thought to myself as I looked at the black walls. My thoughts were quickly rejected as footsteps were heard, and really close, followed by a groan.

"I haven't done that in forever." A familiar female voice groaned. I turned my head to see Amelia, clutching her head as if she had a headache. What was Amelia doing in the Underworld?

She looked at her watch, which I had always thought looked a bit weird, and pressed a button. I almost gasped, but instead coughed with my suddenly dry throat, as a hologram appeared above it.

"Okay, where are we then?" She wondered out loud, moving her finger to move it around some. I recognized that there were different galaxies. She smiled as a bright spot appeared.

"Perfect! Right where I need to go to." She said enthusiastically.

"W-Where am I?" I finally croaked out, looking around at the room as I pushed myself up.

"Well, I call it home, it's technically is called Πλανήτης χάος, and it translates into English to..." She thought for a moment "Well, Planet Chaos" My mouth dropped open, unsure of if I heard that correctly.

"You're joking, right? How could we get to another planet? If you shadow traveled, you could probably only go to somewhere else on Earth." I started rambling. She rolled her eyes, cutting me off.

"Well, that's because of who I am." She replied. When I gave her a confused look, she rolled her eyes and looked up as she said something strange, which didn't even sound human, as she closed her eyes. Her hair suddenly changed color and shape, turning from fluffy blonde to a purple-black color, stopping at chin length as the rest of her hair vanished. She seemed to grow slightly older, about my age, despite her having told me she was at least two years younger than I am. I just sat there, gaping, as she looked at me. Her eyes only confused me more.

Instead of her brown iris colors, it almost looked as if her irises had a universe in them, small circular colors floating around as she smiled at me.

"Yeah, couldn't give any hints about my father." She told me "Who I'm going to have you meet after I finish a few things as a departing note." With that, she turned away as she messed around on her watch's hologram thing, me glimpsing parts of my life as she worked quickly. Even her speech as she worked seemed to be going at a hundred miles a second. I barely caught any English, and even that didn't sound right, mainly because she didn't sound like her as she said it. After a minute she shut it off, closing her eyes as she mouthed out some things as fast as she seemed to have been talking in the weird language.

"Okay, he wants to see you as soon as possible, so let's go." Amelia finally said as she opened her eyes, grinning.

"Wait, where are we going?" I asked as she grabbed my hand.

"You'll see!" She said cheerfully. She slowed down for a minute and told me "By the way, if he calls me Amarilia, it's because that's my real name, but most people call me Amelia anyway." I ended up being unable to ask as she started pulling me along again, faster and stronger than I could do anything for.

We passed some people on the way, all of which looked weird. They had dark skin, and by dark I mean literally dark. As if the had took a bath in an oil spill earlier and they were still suffering the consequences. They all called Amelia "Ma'am" or "Miss" or even "My lady", which I found extremely weird. Who is Amelia?

We finally slowed down as we reached a pair of huge doors, which Amelia opened without hesitation. "Follow me." She told me, letting go of my hand. I followed, not seeing anything else to do.

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