Chapter Eight

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Camp Half-Blood, Amelia's POV

Hearing some of our members get up outside my room, I groaned before rolling, trying to wake myself. I remember too late that my bed here was smaller than my one at home, and fell off the bed with a loud thunk. Groaning again, this time rubbing my knee that had been the first to hit the ground, I got up, quickly changing into my suit. Personally, I liked the suit, since it fits pretty nicely and I love neon blue, which is the color on my suit, but some other people in our group avoided it if possible. Oh well.

I wandered out of the room to see Percy sitting on a couch, seeming to be in thought.

"If you were up all night, I am going to force you to go to sleep now." I told him sternly. What happened last night had obviously had an impact on him, and I worried for multiple reasons. One, I admit, being a bit of jealousy. I had thought the same way Percy had about what had happened, and so I thought he was over her. Apparently not.

"One, your not my mother, two, I did sleep some last night. Couldn't sleep much though." He admitted.

"So if there was an attack on camp right now, you would be ready?" I asked, sitting next to him. He grinned, rolling his eyes.

"Well, duh, of course I would be ready." Percy told me. I grinned and poked him.

"Tag, you're it." I told him, jumping up as he tried to tag me back.

"Get back here!" He told me, jumping up. I started running towards the door.

"Catch me!" I yelled back, grabbing my mask and flicking up my hood as I dashed out. I didn't even have to look back to hear Percy behind me, chasing after me.

As we ran past the cabins, occasionally yelling at each other, I saw some campers come out, watching us run around like two idiots. I really didn't care, I was having fun.

Out of nowhere, I suddenly ran into someone. I quickly regained my balance and was about to run again until I noticed it was Fengo, who was also luckily masked and had his hood up, even though he had accidentally let his hood fall yesterday.

"Help me!" He asked frantically "Zomea's after me because of last night!" instead of answering, I grabbed his hand, pulling him after me until he started running with me.

It lasted for a while, all of us laughing as we escaped our pursuers, at least until I took a wrong turn. I had managed to confuse Percy, so he was just looking around for me, but Zomea was no where in sight. I suddenly ran into a solid mass, falling over. I looked up while getting up to see I had ran into Zomea, who grinned at me before chasing after Fengo, who yelped and dashed off again. I got up and started running again, uncoordinated, until I ran into someone, yet again falling over. I barely looked up to see it was Percy before he tackled, me kicking to try and get him off.

"Wave!" I yelled, finally get my feet over my chest and pushing him off. We both just laid there, laughing so hard our sides started to hurt. After at least a good minute of just laying there, laughing, I started to get up. I noticed a lot of the campers standing around, looking at us with faces that were obviously holding in laughter, some even full-out laughing at us. This only increased as the masked Fengo and Zomea came in, Fengo looking like he was pouting as Zomea dragged him along.

"So you punks do have feelings." One of the Ares kids said smugly.

"Well, duh, of course we do!" I shot back at him, which made everyone laugh harder "What, not all of us are emotionless aliens." I looked at Zomea, who looked confused but seemed to get the jist of it, glaring at me.

"I have feelings, I just don't always show them." She told me. I rolled my eyes.

Soon after, something seemed to go threw the crowd, and they stopped their laughing, heading towards the strawberry fields. I looked at Percy, confused, and he just shrugged, heading with the group. I decided to follow his example.

The campers were all standing near the large open area, right near the strawberry fields, looking in the sky for something. I tried to ask someone what was going on, but they just ignored me, so I did as everyone else did. Something suddenly glimmered near the trees, getting larger as it came closer, and I noticed what they were waiting for. Percy, standing near me, gaped as it came closer, obviously recognizing it.

A huge bronze dragon was flying towards camp, with someone on top of it.

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