Chapter Twenty-One

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CHB, Annabeth's POV, few days later

Since Percy had gotten better, he had been working us on becoming better swords, archery, and all the other portions for the battle. They had used different techniques from different planets, taught to us from the 'aliens' in their group. Even I had learned a lot.

Currently, though, I was watching a fight that quite a lot of people had been waiting for. And it had been going on for 10 minutes.

I watched from the side as Amelia and Percy slashed and parried each other, neither backing down and neither getting the upper hand. From my view, neither had any fail in defense, but then again I don't think I caught much of it, they were going just that fast.

On an unseen command, they both stopped, shaking each other's hand before going over to take a break. They headed to their group, where the Sotiras guy gave them each of their waters. They were grinning and cracking jokes to each other when something weird happened.

A guy suddenly appeared next to the group. He looked powerful and... scared?

"Guys, I need help." He told them urgently. Percy turned around and faced him.

"With what, Aether?" He asked, getting a few gasps from nearby. The primordial Aether had came, and Percy was talking to him like they were friends. I mentally shrugged - they probably were.

"Mom's after me." He said simply. Percy's eyes widened, and he told the group something quickly. Someone went through there stuff before passing him one of their cloaks and masks.

"Throw these on and stand in the group." He told him before turning to the campers "Everyone try and act normal please."

"Thanks dude." Aether told him as he threw on the cloak and mask "She's not happy that Gaea and I were arguing again." Percy nodded before pushing him into the group. They started cracking jokes again, so most of the campers went ahead and went back to practice, and few sending confused glances towards the group. I waited for when Aether's mother, I'm guessing Nyx, would arrive.

Didn't have to wait long, luckily.

A woman suddenly appeared, and sure enough it was Lady Nyx herself. "Percy, where is he?" She asked, though it sounded more like she growled the question.

"Sorry, Nyx, beats me." He told her casually before adding "Try the Cårnĝrîë galaxy, he always likes it there.'' Surprising me, Nyx rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Come on, Tourist, you know he's here." She told him sternly. Percy raised his hands in what looked like defeat.

"Hey, I'm not the only tourist here now." He told her before pointing at me "She is too!" Wait what? Oh, right, the visit in Tartarus. I raised my hands in surrender.

"Leave me out of this!" I yelled, getting a few people to laugh. Nyx even chuckled a bit before turning back to Percy.

"Alright, Percy, tell me where he is." She told him sternly. Instead of responding, Amelia walked forwards.

"How about you guess who. Three guesses and you have to leave him be." She told Nyx. I chuckled under my breath, the plan seemed like a good one. Then again, this was the primordial of the night.

Before she started, Amelia whispered something to Nyx, who nodded. Before I could figure out what it might be, a darkness surrounded them. I frowned in confusion, since it didn't make sense.

We all waited there, not knowing what was really happening. There were occasional sounds, including two clear "Not me"s, so we could only guess she was figuring out who it was. After yet another "Wrong person." and a "That's three, you failed. Everyone put their masks and pull up their hoods now." From Percy, the darkness suddenly dissipated, leaving an angered Nyx and a few smirking warriors of Chaos.

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