Chapter Ten

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Zeus's Fist, Percy's POV

I walked to the spot, wondering what I was going to say. Deny it? Admit that I've been with Chaos all these years? I have no clue. Maybe I'll just see what happens. That sounds good.

I managed to walk in with Leo's back to me, and I started to debate whether or not I should just turn around and leave. He spoke before I could decide.

"Either tell me who you are, or take off the mask and cloak so that I can see who you are." Leo told me, turning around. I just stood there, deciding, which he obviously got annoyed with "Listen, just tell me if you are Percy or not. You act a lot like how he was before I died, so I'm pretty sure you are him." I sighed, seeing no way out of it.

"You got me, Leo." I told him, flicking off the hood of my cloak and taking off the mask. He grinned.

"I knew you weren't dead! Nico couldn't find you, so you had to be somewhere." He cheered, surprising me by jumping on me.

"Oh gosh, Leo you are still heavy!" I told him, struggling to breath. He got off, still grinning, as I caught my breath. A thought obviously went through his mind, because he frowned.

"Where have you been?" He asked "I came back a month after your so-called death, and have been searching ever since."

"Bigger question, how are you even alive. You blew up! No way you could have survived!" I exclaimed. He laughed.

"Truth is, I did die." He told me. I stared at him for a moment before jumping up.

"Zombie!!!" I yelled, running away. He got up and chased me, and because of my cloak and mask, I had him chase me in circles, me yelling "He's a zombie" occasionally.

Our fun was ended by the appearance of the zombie lord's son himself.

"Leo, what is going..." Nico started, coming in from the side of the clearing, but stopped when he saw me, gaping. "No way." I heard him mutter.

"Um...." I mumbled, slowly hiding behind Leo. Seeing what I was doing, Leo grinned and moved out of the way, leaving me standing there awkwardly.

Nico suddenly came out of shock "Percy!" He yelled. He ran at me, looking as if he was about to jump on me, but then seemed to decide otherwise and suddenly slapped me.

"Ow." I complained, bringing my hand up over where he had hit me at "First thing you do to me is slap me? Really?" I asked.

"Where have you been? We have searched everywhere, and now you suddenly appear five years later?" He was pretty much yelling at me, and I clamped my mouth shut, surprised at his sudden angry questions.

"Well, um, I have been, um, commanding an army in space?" I told them, though it came out as more of a questions. Nico's anger dissolved as quickly as it came, and he suddenly hugged me.

"We all thought you were dead." He muttered. I smiled sadly, patting his back.

"Yeah, well, I'm here now." I told him "Though not exactly on my own will." I added. He let go and looked at me in confusion.

"Not on your own will?" He asked.

"Well, I kind of thought everyone hated me..." I told them, looking away. Nico frowned.

"Yeah, I guess you have a point. So, are you going to show who you are yet?" He asked.

"Not, yet, I'm not ready for that yet." I replied "And I'm guessing the other people in my group aren't either. Except for Fengo, since he's a flirty alien." Leo chuckled at this, but Nico seemed to be thinking about something.

"The girl who came with Eric -Amelia, I think?- disappeared the day you did also. Is she part of the group?" He asked.

"Give me a moment please." I told him, closing my eyes for sending a mental message, one of the powers I had gained upon joining our army. Amelia, long story short, a few trustworthy people are curious about if you are our group. Can I tell them?

I waited a moment before I got a reply Where are you, I'll tell them myself.

Site of Zeus's Fist. I replied. I opened my eyes, since she probably wasn't going to reply. Leo and Nico looked at me, confused.

"One minute." I told them. A moment later, Amelia, in her cloak and mask, appeared, the small sparks of space-traveling giving her a true space-look.

"Hey peeps." She smiled, flicking off her hood and taking off her mask "Wondering about me?"

"Wait a moment, didn't you introduce yourself earlier as Chaos's daughter? And wasn't your hair blonde?" Nico asked once he saw her. She rolled her eyes.

"Well, duh." Amelia replied, rolling her eyes "You didn't have cotton in your ears, did you? And as for your other question, my hair is actually this color, I just didn't want it to show."

"Oh." Nico replied simply "So were you who brought Percy to... Wherever you brought him to?" He asked, obviously still confused on the subject.

"Yep. Last moment I teleported to him, and then took the tiring teleport to Planet Chaos." She told him.

"Tiring?! You were dragging me around the palace as if you had slept for a day!" I complained, receiving a roll of the eyes and a shrug.

"You know me, though. I can drag anyone, anywhere, at any time." She told me. I groaned, rolling my eyes.

"Anyway, so what exactly are you going to do? Why are you actually here?" Nico asked. I looked at Amelia, and we had a quick mental conversation.

"We aren't exactly allowed to give all the facts, but there is a universal threat located here on earth that we need to make sure doesn't escape." Amelia told them.

"Or hurt anyone in general." I added. Suddenly, Amelia's watch started blinking with a new message.

"What is it this time." She groaned, opening it up and surprising Leo and Nico. Leo looked at it in amazement while she read the message, groaning again.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Gaea and Aether are arguing again, and they aren't seeming to stop just yet." She told me. I groaned while Leo and Nico pretty much freaked.

"Are you talking about the Gaea that kind of got blown up?" Leo asked "By me, may I add?" Amelia and I suddenly realized our mistake, and we looked at each other nervously.

"You tell them." I told her.

"No, they're your friends, you tell them." She shot back.

"You tell them."

"No, you tell them."

"You tell them."

"You tell them."

"You tell them."

"Stop it!" Nico finally cut in "Someone tell us, or both of you tell us." We groaned, Amelia and I glaring daggers at each other.

"Fine, I'll talk." I finally said, Amelia grinning with my surrender "Yes, the same Gaea that blew up, but no, she is not evil. She thought that taking over would be the best way to save nature. Don't worry, she spent her time for what she did, and she is unable to resurface on Earth for a long time now because of what we ended up doing." I explained. Neither Leo nor Nico seemed to make sense of it, but they shrugged in their own mental defeat.

"Fine, if you trust her, then I guess it's fine." Nico told us.

"Yeah, and I'll be right back." Amelia told us, disappearing into a few blue sparks. Nico and Leo just stood there, staring at where she disappeared to and looking confused.

"Okay, I've seen a lot of confusing things, but she is probably the most confusing ever." Leo finally said.

"I still can't figure her out myself." I replied.

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