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Percy's mistake: Thinking a half-brother would be amazing. All the other kids in camp loved their siblings, even if they were annoying sometimes, so why wouldn't he want a sibling?

The day that Grover brought two new demigods to camp, a boy named Eric and a girl named Amelia that went to the same school, both about two years younger than Percy, and weren't siblings, things started to change. Eric was immediately claimed Poseidon, making Percy think things would become interesting with a new brother. Sadly, it was the bad interesting.

Eric started off acting all nicey-nice to everyone but the Amelia girl, who already hated him. Soon enough, everyone started to cling to him. Percy was happy his brother seemed to be a nice guy, though he was accepting of Amelia, unlike everyone else. He even asked her why she hated Eric, and she answered "Because he's a jerk underneath his sugar coating."

Percy decided not to believe her about that until a few days later, when the "sugar coating" disappeared for Percy. Eric slowly started spreading rumors around the camp, starting with little things like saying that it was Percy's fault for random occurrences that were almost always the Stoll brothers, but it slowly grew as people believed him more and more to the point of where Percy had taken up all of the glory in the quests for himself, and that he probably did nothing. Even the people who had been on those quests were agreeing with him.

As his friend count slowly diminished, Percy began to count who were his friends. By the time a month was over, he only was certain of Amelia, and he hoped that Nico and Thalia, who hadn't visited camp, were still his friends, along with the few at Camp Jupiter. And then there was Annabeth, his one and only. Or so he had thought.

One day, the day he thought would be the happiest in his life, turned out to be the worst. He had gone to find Annabeth, searching first in her cabin. He found her there with Eric, who was harassing her.

Percy was about to come inside and stop him when Eric pulled Annabeth into a kiss. Percy watched in horror as Annabeth original rebellion slowly went away, and she leaned into him. Percy dropped the ring box he had been holding, and ran away without picking it up.

After that, things quickly got worse.

Summer Solstice

"You're really going to let that jerk get to you?" Amelia asked. Percy and Amelia were sitting at Zeus's Fist, talking about the latest accusation, that Percy was plotting against the gods.

"It's kind of hard not to with everything happening." Percy replied, his sea-green eyes flicking up to look at her. Blonde hair, brown eyes, no one could quite figure out who she was a daughter of, and she still hadn't been claimed.

"Ignore it long enough, and he'll go away." Amelia told him "Come on, it's almost lunch." She got up, offering Percy a hand, which he went ahead and took.

"I'm not really that hungry, and besides, I don't want to see anyone." Percy complained.

"Yeah, well neither do I. I won't be far, don't worry. And try to look a bit better, will you?" She asked. He rolled his eyes. With the insults and accusations, he was slowly starting to look liked a sleep-deprived Dionysus, though he actually probably wasn't sleeping much. His eyes were sunken in, and he was starting to get little purple areas underneath them.

They almost made it to the mess hall without getting yelled at. Almost. But this time who met him was worse than the campers. It was the Olympians.

"Perseus Jackson, you are to come to Olympus with us immediately for trial." Zeus said in a booming voice, getting everyone's attention. Percy and Amelia looked at each other, confused.

"Wha-" Percy started, but was forced to stop as all of the campers were teleported to Olympus.

"-t did I do?" He finished as he fell to his knees. The campers went into a group, to Percy's disappointment with Amelia lost somewhere in it.

"You have been convicted of treason against the gods, with plans to overthrow us." Zeus answered, sitting at his throne "And, by vote of the Olympian council, we have decided that you are to be killed." Percy's eyes widened in fear, and he looked at the other gods, whose face's ranged from anger to disappointment to sadness.

"Lord Zeus, I have done nothing of the sort." Percy begged.

"Evidence shows well enough." Zeus replied, raising his Master Bolt "Say your last words." Seeing no way out of it, Percy turned to the campers.

"I am sorry for anything I have done to you guys. I really am, even if I am unsure what it was." He told them. Most looked at him with a look of disgust, except for Amelia, who squirmed to the front, the cloak she usually wore having the hood up. She had a look of sadness in her eyes, though they were followed by a look of determination, though for what Percy didn't know.

Percy lowered his head as he prepared for the inevitable. Zeus pulled back his Master Bolt but, right as the lightning shot at the hero of Olympus, something appeared in front of him, grabbing him and making him disappear right as the lightning reached him.  

Warrior of the Sea - A Percy Jackson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now