Chapter Four

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Earth, Amelia's POV

I stumbled slightly as I looked around, suddenly aware of the throne room filled with idiots. And no, I'm not talking about the ones near me, I'm talking about the idiot group of Olympians that decided that Percy was a monster without true evidence.

If you think that's harsh, you don't even want to know the thoughts of some of the others, except maybe Luke. Despite our complaints, he still blames himself for the Titan War, so he couldn't hold a grudge against them.

Percy and I stepped forward, facing the gods with self-confidence. Through the years, we had managed to make ourselves look as what we were - Princess of the universe (call me that and you'll regret it) and Commander of the most powerful army in the known universe.

"I am Divian." I started with our rehearsed opening.

"And I am Wavestorm." Percy finished. The gods all bowed their heads respectively, almost making me want to laugh. If anyone else were here, I'm sure at least Zeus would be arguing.

"You have came to help of with an issue rising on earth." Zeus stated in a matter-of-fact tone. Me and Percy looked at each other, and I knew we had at least similar thoughts.

"Yes." I replied simply. We had agreed that I would usually do most of the talking, since Percy could occasionally become a bit... hot-headed.

"We will teleport you, with the rest of the gods, to Camp Half-Blood, to begin your stay there." Zeus continued. I rolled my eyes, knowing they couldn't see them. They seemed at almost a loss for words.

"Well, let's get on with it then." I told them, knowingly sounding slightly bored. Zeus waved his hand, and we appeared at the top of Half-Blood Hill, the entrance to that place of lies.

"Be aware, most of the campers may not be in great moods. We lost a great hero a few years ago, one of the greatest so far, and many are still suffering the consequences." Athena told us.

"Always stating the facts." I joked to Percy in a random language. Kalican, maybe? There are so many, I can't even list them all. Percy snorted at my sarcasm.

We went down the hill, our group staying in front of the Olympians, as we headed down to the camp, who all gathered at the sight of the gods. Even from my two or so months here, and the many years in between, I could still recognize most of the people here. One person made their way to the front, and I almost visibly sneered with disgust.

"Who are these people?" Eric sneered, looking at our group.

"We are the warriors of Chaos, and are sent to fight against a rising threat to the universe." Percy told him calmly. I wouldn't doubt if he talked much more Percy would rip his head off, but I hoped I could handle it.

"And who said we needed you?" He asked. Idiot.

"Well, if the gods are here to introduce us, don't you think you kind of will need us?" I asked in a bored tone.

"Do I know you?" He asked. Like he would care, knowing him he was just seeing if he should care about me.

"I don't know, do you?" I retorted. Even if I threw off my mask and hood, he wouldn't be able to recognize me, so I didn't care.

"We will be staying in our own cabin, so there is no need to worry about our sleeping situation." Luke told them, stepping forward and taking control. He luckily knew neither of us could take much of the idiocy from Eric.

"And where is this 'cabin' you speak of?" Eric asked. I smirked.

"Over there." I pointed towards the rows of cabins where, sure enough, there was a midnight black-blue cabin "Now are you done being an idiot and ready to let us through?"

"Who are you calling me an idiot?" He asked. I actually laughed out loud this time.

"Only the daughter of Chaos." I told him, letting my aura flare slightly and suggesting to only a portion of my true power. He gulped and moved out of the way as we went ahead and headed to our cabin, carrying our seemingly meager supplies. Of course, a bit of magic from the universe and they actually held enough for us to survive a good month on our own.

The cabin was simple. It had a center room that was like our group meet-up place back at home, and the rooms were surrounding it. There was also a staircase that probably lead to a training room. From the outside, the cabin probably looked the size of a minor god's cabin, but inside was probably larger than the Zeus cabin, only it didn't let outsiders hear any conversations. Even yelling would sound blurred and quiet.

"Alright, guys, let's get situated!" I said joyfully, making many of the group grin as we closed the front door and took off our masks and hoods, heading to our different rooms.

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