Chapter Thirteen

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Big House, Annabeth's POV

Part of the room, like me, sat in silence, while the other part erupted into yelling, mostly about Percy. She just sat there, waiting for a minute without saying anything, before finally silencing them.

"Yes, I was the one that saved Percy from his near execution, the one that came with Eric to camp, the unclaimed girl. No, my hair isn't blonde and I don't have brown eyes, this is my actual look. I just had changed it for the sake of being undiscovered." She told us. I nodded, it made sense. The only thing that kind of frustrated me is that she took Percy away and didn't bring him back. My Percy.

"Everyone else has chosen to keep their identity a secret for now, we request you to not bug them about it, they will reveal themselves when they are ready." Amelia/Divian told us.

"Did we once know them also?" It took me a moment to realize I said this.

"Most of them, I believe." She answered. For a quick moment I thought I saw her look at me weird, but she stopped before I could figure it out, if she was even doing so.

"Is there any way of seeing how Percy is?" Will asked. Amelia thought about it.

"I actually haven't tried. Give me a minute to do so." She told us "Sotiras, answer the questions for right now please."

"Okay." The guy next to her replied. I recognized him by his outfit to be the person that had been with Percy earlier, right before Percy had his little fight with the jerk.

Wait a moment, where is the jerk anyway?

I luckily hadn't seen him at all today, but nobody left camp without any clear notice. I looked around, and he wasn't anywhere to be seen. I shrugged, not really caring.

"So are the gods in control of the other planets? Or just here?" One of the campers asked. I couldn't quite see who.

"No, different planets have different gods, most are unaware of this though." The guy with the bright red hair, Fengo, told us "My gods call themselves the Casians, for example."

Someone was about to ask something else when one of the campers rushed in.

"Light... flash... bright... nearby!" He told us frantically, panting from running in. One of the Chaos group rushed out, who it was I was unsure of since they hadn't shown themselves.

"It's the Storm legion symbol." The guy told Amelia, who was still focusing on... whatever it was she was doing. She nodded, and suddenly whatever she was trying to do worked, because a holographic picture suddenly appeared in front of her. And the picture made us gasp.

It was a frozen picture, probably of right then, that had Percy without the cape and mask on, sitting there in chains, blood staining his armour, tears everywhere. Perfection was standing there, grinning like a maniac, looking as if he was inspecting a work of art he made. And then there was someone else, in the corner, with a cloak and hood on, the hood covering most of his face except for his mouth, which was grinning.

I almost fainted, but the group went right into action.

"Okay, we can only guess that was from Percy." Amelia started "We should have the Hunters, some campers and some of my group go on a rescue mission to go and save him. We can only hope that we can make it there in time, and get in and out okay." We nodded, and immediately started choosing people to go.

"Silver, Amelia, Zomea and I should go, seeing that the Hunters would accept us as woman." One of the females in the group suggested, getting nods from everyone. I hadn't seen her around, and didn't know at least what her codename was.

"I'm going." I blurted out suddenly. I hadn't meant to say it yet, but I did want to go.

"I... don't think Percy is ready to see you yet." Amelia told me, pushing down my hopes with her carefully chosen words "He hadn't exactly wanted to be revealed yet, and he is probably not ready for the sudden confrontation." I nodded, understanding what she was saying but not wanting to believe it. They chose a few other campers, I didn't exactly pay attention to who, and they headed out. I suddenly found myself messing with the ring I had found outside of the Athena cabin all those years ago, the ring he had been planning on giving me.

"Hey, we'll get him, don't worry." Piper told me sympathetically. I glanced at her sitting next to me at the edge of my vision before looking back at the ring. It was a beautiful silver one, with a few small sapphires going off the side with a large grey gem in the middle. If I looked at the other side, it read I will never leave you, Wise Girl. I wondered if that was still true now.

"Is he even my friend anymore?" I wondered aloud, though it came out as more of a plead. I felt tears at the edge of my eyes, but didn't bother wiping them away.

"He did stop Eric the other day, didn't he?" Piper asked "Listen, I'm sure he is at least your friend. He's probably just a bit conflicted, and needs time."

I gave her a small smile, since that sounded just like what needed to happen "Yeah, that sounds good. Thanks."

"Anytime, Annabeth." She told me, patting me on the back and smiling before getting Jason and leaving. Those two were always so happy together.

I looked around the room, seeing that most people had left. There were a few people sitting around, including a few of the guy members of the Storm legion. One of them, the one named Sotiras, gave me a sympathetic smile, which surprised me. No one from the group really seemed to even notice me, except for Percy and Amelia.

"What?" I asked him, confused.

"Oh, um, nothing." He told me "Just that I heard your talk, and heard about the past you and Perce had." Gods, his voice sounded familiar. I would need to figure out who he was later.

"So, what has he been like all these years away? Last we remember him, he... was in a depressed state because of us." I added sadly. It was all our fault.

"Actually pretty good. He was a bit bad the first few years, but soon enough he got back to his joyful state, we even managed to get him to read some." He added, making me laugh. Percy reading was pretty impossible, last I checked. Then I suddenly realized something he said.

"Few years?" I asked. It had only been a few years since he left, yet Sotiras acted as if it was centuries or something.

"Yeah. Time can run differently in space. He's been in space about 2800-something years, last I checked." He told me. I was stunned. He hadn't only been away a few years, he had been away over two millennia. That stunned me.

"So is he immortal or something?" I asked, making Sotiras crack a smile.

"Yeah, we all are since we joined the Chaos army. Not invincible, though." He told me "Though don't try and fight us, we will most likely be playing with you guys before we win." I laughed, since that was how I used to be with quite a few people.

"Well, I'm going to go, wait for the group to get back." I told him. He nodded.

"Well, nice talking to you." He told me, giving me a warm smile. One that I remembered from somewhere. Now I needed to see who was behind that mask. And soon. But not just yet.

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