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The poem was running through my mind as I suddenly regained consciousness. I didn't open my eyes yet, unsure of what was behind the darkness I saw.

What finally made me open them was a grunt that sounded like someone that had just been with me. I opened my eyes and looked to the side to see two females, one with blonde hair that still had the princess curls I remembered her having ever since I met her when I was twelve, and the other with dark black hair that seemed to have a purple tint to it.

"Do not fear warriors, you're not in danger." I heard in front of me. We all bolted straight up, the two females both opening their eyes at we stared ahead of us.

It was a dark room, where the walls seemed to swirl with galaxies in them. Orbs of light floated around the room, all out of reach. In front of us was a few steps leading to a swirling black throne, where a man that seemed older than time sat, power seeming to radiate from him. He had whitened hair but his skin was a literal black color. His eyes were orbs of pure blackness as well. The girl with the black hair gasped before getting to her knees and bowing, so both the girl with blonde hair and I followed her example, unsure of who this was.

"Lord Void, to what honor have we came to your presence?" The black-haired girl asked.

To our surprise the man, Lord Void, laughed.

"Granddaughter no need to be so formal, and please, none of the Lord business. Only Perfection ever required that of my sons." He told her, a warm smile on his old face. The two girls and I exchanged glances before standing up.

"To answer your question though, you're here because of the spell you used. The spell, as said at the end of the poem, sends you to me." He told us.

"What are we to do here then?" The black haired girl asked.

"Well, when I created that spell, before my sons had been born, I had planned on just making it so that whoever used it could help watch the universe, tell me if anything had gone wrong. But that changed when one of my sons used it, surprisingly for the same purpose as you three."

We looked at each other confused. Perfection and Chaos were the only two sons of Void the black-haired girl and I knew of, and they both we still out and alive, so did he mean-

Our thoughts were cut off and Void put his hand out to the side, waving it. Suddenly, below where he waved his hand, a young boy, the same one we had seen while chanting the poem, stood. He looked at us with blood-red eyes and smirked.

"I'd like you three to meet Order, my youngest son and one that has not been spoken off since he did the same spell as you three did, for Chaos was too sadden by the lose of his youngest brother for having put Perfection away in such a way that he did not allow anyone to speak of him again, his name becoming nothing than a word that described what he did. Bringing order to this universe." Void told us, making all of us gasp. He continued before we had time to ask questions.

"When he came to me he told me he had a vision while doing the poem. A vision of three brave souls some year doing the same poem to put a stop to Perfection, but that after the poem the planet that was a favorite of all of the sons, today known as Earth, would go through some troubling times and that they would need some saviors." We glanced at each other, realizing what this meant, but yet again Void stop us before we could say anything.

"So do you three, Perseus, Annabeth, and Amarilina, wish to join Order and become the Defenders of the Demigods?" He asked. We looked at each other and in sync replied.

"We accept."


Warrior of the Sea - A Percy Jackson FanficWhere stories live. Discover now