Chapter Twelve

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Camp Half-Blood, Percy's POV

Most of our cabin was awoken the next day by urgent knocking on our door.

"Guys! We need you!" Nico yelled from outside. I looked at Bianca, who nodded, throwing on her and cloak first, right before we opened the door, putting on our own masks and cloaks.

"What is it?" I asked, looking at a breath-deprived Nico.

"Monster attack... Past border... a guy that calls himself Perfection?" Nico panted. I frowned, looking at Amelia and Luke. They nodded, knowing what was happening.

"Storm legion, battle mode." I told them. They nodded and at almost the same time we clicked these bracelets that were on each of our arms together. No, it's not to be pretty. It expands to a full set of Chaos armour, which is really light armour that matches our chosen colors- mine a dark sea blue, Amelia's a bright neon blue, Luke's being a gold color, you get the point- but it was also really strongest, strongest in the universe. We always looked epic in it.

Nico lead us to Half-Blood Hill, where, as he said, there was a huge monster army, passing the borders, but they weren't attacking. They were all situated behind a man, who was easy to see as being Perfection. His clothing was made so that the colors mixed together to make... well, perfect harmony. He had that look that females would swoon over, and pretty much everything about him was meant to be perfect.

He laughed as he saw us coming up, eyes flicking between me and Amelia. I knew that it was us he wanted. The rest of the campers came up behind us, in full armor, but I knew that without our group they would be dead.

"Well, well, well, look at what we have here." Perfection's smooth voice came out "A bunch of weak demigods, a bunch of dead ones, and a few from other dead ones as well." His eyes grazed from the campers to or group, and I could almost feel the groups getting nervous.

"What do you want?" Amelia asked next to me. Always so brave, I liked that about her.

"Well, niece," He spit out "I want either you, the commander, or the death of this camp from my monsters here." He motioned to each in turn, hand sweeping over the camp at the end. Amelia and I looked at each other, and I knew we were about to argue.

"If you go, Chaos is sure to come after you." I immediately argued.

"But we need you here for making the camp trust us. They barely do." She argued back. I could almost see the desperation in her eyes.

"You can do that as easily as I can, though." I told her "Don't come for me, you'll only get captured yourself. You can't let your father come for him, and that is what would happen if you got caught." Before she could argue back, I stepped forward, looking at Perfection "I'll go."

He grinned at me "Alright then, Perseus Jackson." He touched my shoulder and the scene started to change right as I blacked out.

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