Chapter Twenty-Two

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CHB, Annabeth's POV

I stood still, the two behind me, whom were still snickering about the previous statement, accidently running into my shoulder. They both grunted, backing up, before stopping. I didn't look back at them, but I could only guess that they were glaring at him. He, on the other hand, smirked at me.

"Hey Annie." He greeted me, using the nickname he made up.

"What do you want?" I asked him, glaring daggers at him. He just ignored that.

"Same as always." He responded "You." I rolled my eyes.

"And, same as always, I'd rather not." I retorted. I suddenly remembered that Percy and Amelia were behind me, but ignored this fact.

"Oh, come on, you know that guy isn't going to like you. He's been up in space for years now, he probably doesn't know the first thing about you." He told me. It did hit me a bit hard, since he was right. Percy and I may never get together again. But I wasn't going to show it.

"And you are saying that you are better?" I asked rhetorically "Because I think quite differently." He put a hand over his 'heart'.

"Ouch, Annie, that hurt." He pouted. I rolled my eyes.

"What, in the empty void right there?" I asked. I heard snickers, and glanced around to see a small crowd gathering. Refocusing back on Eric, I could see him recovering from a sigh.

"Well, if you're just going to be like that, maybe I'll just have to take you with me instead." He replied sternly, starting to suddenly reach out. I felt pressure against one of my shoulders, and looked to the side to see Percy pushing past me, casually batting the hand away. He had a knowing smirk on his face, as if he knew something we didn't, which confused me.

"And why would you do that, Eric?" He asked "Or is that even your real name?" Everyone there, and I mean everyone, looked at him in confusion. Eric looked at him as if he was plain crazy.

"What do you even mean, space man?" He asked. Percy just chuckled.

"Oh, you really thought I wouldn't figure it out." Percy asked, the smirk widening as a look of realization quickly crossed Eric's face, which he quickly tried to cover up. Now I was really getting confused.

"Figure out what?" Eric asked "The only thing I see is that you are protecting a girl you no longer care for." Percy rolled his eyes.

"Oh, no, I figured out that you aren't exactly who you have made yourself out to be." Percy told him. Eric's eyes widened, no longer trying to hide the fact that Percy had figured something out. I looked between them in confusion, like many people nearby was doing.

"What do you mean?" Eric asked, a hint of fear and hysterics in his voice. He was slowly creeping backwards, as if trying to get away from him.

"Oh, you know, listening to you and Perfection talk over my nearly unconscious body can still help me figure out a lot." Percy told him, making everyone gasp "So, how about you go and run back to your master, huh?"

"I will come back for you, defeat you, no matter what it takes." Eric growled before his eyes flicked towards me "And I will have you for myself." With that, he turned around and sprinted towards a gap that had opened in the group from when he had started moving backwards.

No one even cared to chase him, and he was gone within a minute.

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