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First, shout out to xoxosilveroxox for asking about a sequel. I put some thought into it and realized how much I'd actually miss writing Deciphering Her Thoughts.

This is mainly based on what I used in Deciphering Her Thoughts. Also, if it doesn't have "your" in front, it means it isn't always going to be yours. (I'm complicated like that)

(Y/N) = your name
(L/N) = last name
(E/C) = eye color
(H/C) = hair color
(N) = name
(G) = guardian
(F/N) = friend's name (I'm thinking of adding this)
(B/G) = male/female, boy/girl, he/her, his/hers (you get the point)

Welp, I'm pretty sure this should be it! I hope this ends out better than Deciphering Her Thoughts. Also, I just realized how much I've said that and how bad I am at writing descriptions... sorry.

P.S. I'm not exactly what you could call an expert romance writer. Heck, I'm barely a noob romance writer! So, if anything starts to get too creepy or out of subject, don't be afraid to say something.

Eternity (sequel to Deciphering Her Thoughts)Where stories live. Discover now