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Chapter 17
Your Point of View

Two Months Later

You're packing your bags. You just received a phone call about your cousin Penelope. She was hit by a drunk driver and is currently hospitalized. You'll be driving a long way up north, and they requested you to come as you were the only person they could get into contact with.

It's been a few years since you've talked to her. She's been pretty distant ever since her and her husband got a divorce. You never really knew her husband and didn't exactly try to get to know him. You were close to her when the two of you were younger, but things change, and the two of you just grew apart.

You hop into your car and prepare for a long drive. You figured that you could just call Dipper later and let him know you've left once you know that Penelope is okay.

You arrive at the hospital. A nurse guides you to Penelope's room.

"She's stable right now," the nurse tells you. "The wreck was pretty bad, but she should be fine in time." You just nod your head and give a hum that lets her know that you understand. She stops in front of what you assume to be Penelope's room and places her hand on the handle. She looks you dead in the eyes. "She isn't eating much and panics occasionally, asking what we did with her kids. As far as I'm concerned, her kids are with a family friend, but she won't believe us." You furrow your brows in confusion.

"Kids?" you ask.

"Kids," she responds. She opens the door and holds it open for you to walk in. You sit on the seat beside the hospital bed as the nurse goes through some papers. Penelope lazily looks at you.

"Hey, Poppy," you say, awkwardly smiling.

"Hey," she responds with a voice seemingly stripped of a will to live.

"So... kids," you say with a small laugh towards the end.

"Rebecca and Jonathan," she says, "Becca and Jona for short."

"How old?"

"Seven and five."

"I'm sure they look like you. They must be very cute."

"No," she says, "They look more like their father." She stares at the ceiling. "Still cute though."

"Oh." You twiddle your thumbs as you're no longer sure what to say. She looks back at you.

"I know I'm going to die."

Lmao sorry I didn't think it would take me almost a year to write something. I'll try to update a little more regularly until this is finished.

Eternity (sequel to Deciphering Her Thoughts)Where stories live. Discover now