A Double What-now?

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Chapter 3
A Double What-now?
Your Point of View

<The Next Day>

Dipper and Mabel haven't come in yet, but my phone wakes me up. I groan as I feel around on my nightstand for it. I finally find it and see (F/N) has called fifteen times.

"Okay," she starts. "He likes me!" She starts squealing. "So you're going to have to get Dipper to come to this double date because I know you hate being a third wheel, when it comes to dates."

"You woke me up to tell me I have to ask Dipper out on a date?"

"Yes! Just please don't tie him up and throw him in your car! I have a feeling you're going to do that instead of properly asking him."

"I didn't agree to this."

"You told me before you went inside your apartment that you'll go on the double date, if Sander likes me!"

"No, I didn't agree to asking Dipper. It'll be easier to tie him up!"

"Just say that you, me, Sander, and him are hanging out together... at a fancy diner... in formal attire."

"Are you trying to rhyme?"

"No, it just came out that way."

"Hey! You're up!" Dipper walks closer. "...and on the phone."

"I'll call back later," I tell (F/N). "Bye." I hang up.

"Who was it?" he asks as he plops onto the empty part of the bed.


"Oh, okay." He pulls me close.

"By the way," I say into his chest. "what do you think of a double date?"

"A double what-now?"

"A double date. Two couples, one table, same place and time."


"(F/N) likes this guy, and he likes her. She's probably is just afraid of going on a date alone, so she wants us to go too and make it a double date."

"You couldn't say no, and now we are going?"

"What are you complaining about? You're still going on a date with me."

"Yeah, but it's different, when it's just us."


"It's the only time you don't argue with me. If (F/N) is there, she'll say something that I have another opinion on. I'll say it aloud, and you get mad at me!"

"I argue with you to aggravate you, Pines. Also, that was one time! You said something really mean to her!"

He sighs.

"Fine. I'll go. Also, it wasn't that mean!"

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