He Has His Ways

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Chapter 5
He Has His Ways
Your Point of View

Dipper knocks on the door to (F/N)'s dorm. She already goes to a college. We don't have a plan, really, just ask her if she wants to see a movie or something.

"Hello?" an unfamiliar voice asks.

"I'm (Y/N)-"

"And I'm Dipper."

"We're here to see (F/N)."

"Oh!" The person opens the door. "Well, you're at the right dorm! Hi, I'm Ella!"

"Hi," I say. "Is she here?"

"Yep!" She turns the other way. "Oh, (F/N)~!"


"People are her for you!"

"Hey, guys!" (F/N) greets. "Thank you so much for coming on that double date! It was amazing!" Dipper looks over at me as if saying that he told me so. I look over at him as if say that she's has no idea what she's talking about. He rolls his eyes and looks back toward (F/N). "You guys need to tell me what your face expressions mean sometime," she says, hands on hips.

"Well, umm..." What am I supposed to say now?

"We're glad you liked the double date!" Dipper says. "We're here to see if you picked up (Y/N)'s purse by mistake. She can't find it." Not bad, Dippy.

"Oh, yeah! I thought I brought the wrong one with me!" Wait. What? She runs off and grabs a purse - my purse. Does that mean Dipper's psychic or something? Maybe it was just a coincidence. "Here." She hands it to me, and Dipper hands her hers. When did he get that? Dang! My brain hurts. "Bye!" She closes the door. He smiles at me like a weirdo.

"How did you-"

"I have my ways."

"You sound like a freakin' demon!"

"Sure. I'm a demon," he says sarcastically.

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