Important Author's Note

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Please read!!

It's been forever since I've as much as even logged into this account. I lost all confidence in my writing, so I abandoned and forgotten about it a little after I wrote the last part to this back in 2016, even shortly deleting the Wattpad app itself. Recently, my friends and I downloaded the app again, mainly to see how much it's changed in the years that we've been off. Even more recently, we began talking about the old stories we would write on Wattpad. Suddenly remembering this account, I jokingly mentioned my old fanfics. I also mentioned that I discontinued this story, and one of them told me that I should at least finish it.

After multiple failed password attempts and having to go through an old email to get back in there, I realized I had a pretty decent amount of notifications and people asking me to update. I then realized that I left behind a lot when I suddenly lost confidence and was even being pretty selfish by just abandoning Wattpad in general as it even looks like I didn't even leave behind any explanations.

With that said, are any of you still wanting an update to this story? I'm 100% willing to continue this, just say the word!

Either way, I hope you all are staying safe! Even though most places are opening back up, you can never be too careful!

Thank you to everyone, whether you were reading since I began or just recently stumbled upon my stories!

Eternity (sequel to Deciphering Her Thoughts)Where stories live. Discover now