She Doesn't Remember

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To those of you who might be angry because of the random lack of updates: I said I'd update more often, not daily. >:3
Chapter 14
She Doesn't Remember
Bill's Point of View

Honestly, I'm tired of hearing Pine Tree ramble on about pointless stuff. "Why do you think I'll hate you, if you tell me who William is?" "Do you know where I put my car keys?" "(Y/N), you idiot! Don't jump in the shark tank! You'll get eaten alive!" POINT-LESS!

"Bill, stop ranting in my head!" (Y/N) yells at me, just not aloud to where others can hear her.

"Where else am I supposed to rant?"

"Just stop ranting about Dipper. You're probably the reason I have headaches."

"You should kill him."


"What? I would."

"Why would you kill him? Actually, here's a better question: why would you kill anybody?"

"Solves people problems."

"There's something wrong with you."

"(Y/N)," Dipper says, breaking the awkward silence. Well, the awkward silence that was only towards him. "Do you ever have the feeling you're being watched by a psycho murderer?"

"Yes," she says, not even having to think about it. "All the time."

"Do you ever expect to turn around and there would be a dead person or a dark figure with red eyes?"

"No. I expect some laughing maniac that wants to play a board game but flips the board game in your face, even though they were winning."

"What does that have to do with a psycho murderer?"

"Because it's like I've known that person my whole life, so they don't want to kill me. They want to be, like, that parent or older sibling that I never had. Then, one day, they kill me, because they were mildly homicidal. They couldn't stand the thought of a living person sitting next to them. My blood splattered all over them made them feel better, even though I was the only friend they ever had. In Heaven, I forgave them, because, for some reason, it's like I knew what it's like to want to kill people."

"ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT ME?!" I yell at her as she just continues to talk to Dipper, not paying me any attention.

Then it struck me.

She doesn't remember.

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