Befriending the Voice

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Chapter 10
Befriending the Voice
Your Point of View

I've been talking to myself lately, and I'm sure everyone has noticed. They haven't said anything to me about it, but it's pretty obvious that that know. Except, I'm not for sure if I'm really talking to myself. It's more like a little person in my mind that talks to me, hears me, and understands me. Then again, I could just be going insane.

"No, don't put it that way," the voice says. "Think of it as mentally hilarious. Insane is my thing."

"Okay then," I say. "You can be insane, and I'll be mentally hilarious."

"So, how exactly did you meet Pine Tree and Shooting Star? I'd like to hear the story."

"You mean Dipper and Mabel?"

"Isn't that what I said?"

"Not exactly, but I guess it works." Dipper had actually stopped wearing the pine tree cap when he turned fifteen. He did tell me his favorite trees were the pines. I thought it was because of his last name. "It was actually a couple of summers ago. I was visiting my grandparents for what was supposed to be the summer, but I had to leave after the first week. I met Mabel first while being forced outside in the forest of Gravity Falls. She threw a sleepover, barely even getting to know me, but, ya' know, that's Mabel! I met Dipper at the Mystery Shack, where Mabel was holding the sleepover with her friends Grenda and Candy, along with me."

The voice in my head laughs.

"You seriously went to the house of a girl you just met? Gravity Falls is crawling with psychopaths!"

"I was twelve. I'm twenty now, and I wouldn't go to a random person's house again!"

"Yeah, of course, you wouldn't."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"That I know you wouldn't go to a random person's house again."

"But you said that with so much sarcasm!"

"It's just you seem like the kind of person that would trust someone that broke into your apartment holding a gun."

"Police break into homes holding guns all the time! I trust the police. Everyone does!"

"What do you think those police are looking for? A convict. It's never good when they break into your house! They think you're guilty for something you may or may not have done!" The voice stops for a moment. "What I'm trying to say is you're like a human husky. You trust everyone, even those who don't deserve the trust. You try to be friends with everyone. You need to realize that not everyone can be your friend."

"They can!"

"What about the people across the world?"

"I can go to a good college, get a high-paying job, buy myself a private plane, and travel abroad!"

"Do you have your future planed out?"

"No, I just now thought of that."

"So you're sticking with becoming friends with everyone has your life goal?"

"And to stop bullying and child and animal abuse! Now that I think of it, that's a lot of work to do! I should just be like Kamini Pather and be on a reality TV show about traveling the world and eating the food there! Getting paid to travel and eat food is my career goal."

"That's... special."

"So I have a question," I say.

"Ask away."

"I don't know your name. You never told me. What is it? I'm (Y/N), as you may know because you're in my mind."

"Cipher, Bill Cipher."

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