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Okay, so that was probably the shortest time anyone's book was ever on hold. Well, I just broke a record! WHOOP WHOOP! Anyways, shout to I_love_books_82 for the idea! I'd like to thank everyone who offered to help me, and I'm hoping you guys will keep those ideas ready!
Chapter 7
Your Point of View

I wake up in Dipper's embrace. I'd be blushing and remaining still to savor the moment if I seriously didn't have to pee.

"Dipper," I whisper. He groans and snuggles into my hair. "DIPPER, GET OFF OF BE BEFORE I PEE ON YOU! I'VE GOT A BLADDER THAT'S ABOUT TO BLOW UP!" Dipper rolls to the other side of the bed quickly, and I get up and dash to the bathroom.

<After (Y/N) does her business>

"Hey, Dip." Dipper looks over to me, his bangs messy and basically covering his eyes. I have to admit, that dorky, twelve-year-old boy I once knew has definitely grown to be one heck-of-man.

"Well, thanks," Dipper says, laughing as if he knows I didn't mean to say that out loud. I jump on the bed and lie next to him.

"Don't mention it."

I hear my phone ding. I grab it and read the message from... my grandpa? Since when does my grandpa know how to text? Actually, that's pretty cool. He's asking me to come over and make breakfast. Now he sounds like Dipper.

"Well, I've got to go. I don't want to starve my grandpa."


"He wants me to come back and make breakfast."

"Well, what if I need you to make me breakfast?" Must I say it again?

"Starve." I kiss Dipper on the cheek.

With my bag in hand, I walk to my apartment where my grandpa is waiting. I open the door and see him rummaging through the cabinets for food.

"Now I know where I get my personality from!" Grandpa jerks back, frightened.

"You can cook, right?"

"I can microwave pizza!" I say with much pride in my pizza-microwaving skills.

"Pizza isn't for breakfast."

"Don't label it."

<After 'breakfast'>

"Grandpa, I'm going over to Dipper's apartment!"

"Boy or girl?"

"Umm... Girl."

"(Y/N), you don't need to be hanging over at boy's house or apartment, including one that's named after an asterism!"

"It's not his real name. Even so, I think it's a cute name."

"Then what is his real name?"

"I don't know."

"You're expecting me to let me allow you to hang around a guy you don't know enough to even know his real name?!"

"He won't tell me his real name," I murmur. A little louder, I say, "I was hoping you'd let me have my own opinions on people instead of living in your shadow all the time!"

"You're not living in my shadow, (Y/N)."

"Then I'm going Dipper's apartment."

Grandpa sighs. Suddenly, he smiles. It was like a creepy smile but a calm, reassuring smile.

"I look at you and think you'll be the reason teenaged and middle-aged guys will stop looking at girls like some toy they can play with, because I know you'll punch them square in the face and break their nose, even if they didn't do anything wrong physically. Go." He jerks his head to the side, signaling me to leave. So what was the point in the argument?

<Dipper's apartment>

I open the door with the spare key Dipper gave me. I look around. No Dipper. I walk around, entering every room and searching it. Still no Dipper. I go to the kitchen and search there but not for Dipper. For the second love of my life, food. I look that the note on the refrigerator door. It read:


Sorry, I'll be back tomorrow or late tonight.


"Dang it, Dipper! Why would you invite me over and then ditch me?!"

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