If You Knew

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Hey~! How long has it been? Probably long enough for everyone to give up on me. Anywho, summer is here! Actually, it's been here... Oh, well! I'm going to try to update a little more often now. Well, here's what you tapped on that notification for...
Chapter 12
If You Knew
Your Point of View

"What are you going to do? Walk up to him and tell you there's a dream demon in your head? Haha. He'd hate you more!" Bill honestly doesn't shut up. "HEY!" I'd kill him, if I could. "I can hear you!"

"I know," I say aloud to him. "I wanted you to."

"How rude!"

"Sorry, you're just a bad influence on me."


I thought I could stop talking to him, but it's like I'm forced to reply every time he says something.

"It's called having manners."

"I thought you said I was rude."

"You are."

"I'm just going to pretend I understand."

"Humans." I'm pretty sure he rolled his eye.

"Demons." I roll my eyes.

"You're the most annoying being I've ever met."

"You've been inside my mind for about my whole life. I'm pretty sure you had to of rubbed off a little bit. That's probably why you think I'm so annoying, because you are."

"Shut up. I hate you."

"I hate you too, so it's fair."

"I asked you to shut up."

"You didn't ask me to shut up. You commanded me to shut up."

"Same thing."

"It's really not. You're supposed to be an all-knowing dream demon. What happened to the all-knowing part?"

"Will you please shut up?!"

"That's better! No, I will not."

"I still hate you."

Dipper's Point of View

"I still hate you too." I arch my eyebrow. Is that... (Y/N)? What is she doing here, and who is she talking to? And why do I care?

"AY, DIPPER!" she yells. I walk up to the door, but I still keep it closed and locked.


"No, I'm the voice inside your head! OOO~ WHEEE~ WHOOO~!"

"What do you what, (Y/N)?"

"I want to talk to you."


"Because I'm sorry."

"It took you a week to decide that?"

"If I told you why it took so long, you'd hate me."

"Why would I hate you?"

"Because he's insane, and I'm mentally hilarious."

"Who's he?"

"Daww~! You're jealous!"

"I not j-jealous! I'm just curious!"

"You're really bad at lying, Dipper. He's no one, really. He's, like, my insanity and my sanity, my personality, my conscience, my thoughts. He's basically me..."

"But who is he?"

"Someone you despise; someone you're annoyed by; someone you thought was gone. I'm basically that someone, because that someone is literally half of me, inside of me."

"Inside of you? Are you pregnant?"

"Ew! No!"

"Well, you still haven't given me a name."

"That's what I'm afraid to tell you!"

"You're afraid to tell me a name? Why?"

"Because you'll hate me. You'll hate me, because you hate him! But he's me!"

"Give me a hint. You don't even have to tell me if I'm right."


"Why not?"

"If you knew who, you'd know why I'm not telling you."

"Don't be like this. It's annoying."

"You're just like him! Oh, my God!"

"(Y/N), just tell me the first name."


"William? I don't know anyone named William."

"Sir William! Haha. I'm going to start calling him that. Why not? It's not stupid!"

"Are you... talking to yourself?"

"I'm talking to Sir William. Yeah, I just said that! What ya' gonna do 'bout it?"

"(Y/N), you sound crazy."

"Fine, I'll go elsewhere! ONWARD! TO MY APARTMENT!" I hear her run off.

If I knew...

Would I really hate her?

Thank you guys so much for 71K reads on Deciphering Her Thoughts and 200+ followers! Love you! Bye~!

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