Grandpa is Moving In

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Chapter 6
Grandpa is Moving In
Your Point of View

"Anthony, get the trail mix out of my face!" He pouts and throws the bag at my face. "ANTHONY!" The eight-year-old boy and Dipper laugh. I'm pretty sure (F/N) has a your-boyfriend-is-so-immature expression, however you make that look.

"Am I allowed to tie the brat up?" (F/N) asks.

"Yeah, but I already have Dipper's wrists tied together," I answer.

"Hey! What makes you so mean to me?"

"Please, I haven't thrown anyone out of the car yet. If anything, this is nice."

"Well, my wrists are itchy."

"Then scratch them."


"Try banging them against the dashboard."

"Can't you just scratch them for me? Better yet, untie my wrists."

"Nope! I'm driving." He groans and starts banging his wrists against the dashboard.

"Okay, stop!" (F/N) yells. "Someone just untie the loser."

"All of you are mean to me! I'm just going to call the cops and say you kidnapped me."

"You're not worth kidnapping," Anthony says. Mabel, (F/N), and I start laughing.

"I'm leaving!"

"No, Dip. You're not leaving us."

"Yes, pull the car over."



"Not if you leave us."

"You guys have the dumbest couple arguments," Anthony says.

"Thank you," I say.

"Oh, my God!" Dipper suddenly yells.


"Look at that tree!"

"Dipper, I'm going to kill you!" The three in the back laugh.

"But it was really tall and-"

"I don't care about the tree."

"Why are you so grumpy today? Hmm?"

"Because you're really annoying today."

"(Y/N), PULL THE CAR OVER!" Mabel screams. I swiftly pull it over, and she jumps out, running after a cat. Dipper holds his wrists toward me, and I untie him. He runs his fingers through my hair.

"Tell me why you're so grumpy today."



"I don't feel like it."

"Look, I respect personal stuff, but you're taking it out on me, therefore, I deserve some information."

"It's about my grandfather."

"The one from Gravity Falls?"


"Wh-what happened?"

"His house burnt down, and he's moving in with me."

"First, you should be happy he gets to live with you. Second, why is he living with you?" Anthony and (F/N) got a little uncomfortable and started to help Mabel catch that cat.

"He's afraid that I don't live my life right, that I got to midnight parties, get drunk, blah blah blah."

"You're too lazy to got to midnight parties."

"True that."

"But you can't tell beer from apple juice."

"That was one freakin' time, and I only took, like, three sips."

"Then three sips turned into the whole can."

"Shut up!"

"It doesn't even taste that good."

"Just to change this weird subject, he still doesn't like you!"

"I was twelve! Oh, my God! I don't even remember what I did!"

"I do. Mabel locked us in a room, he opened the door, you feel on top of me, and he kind of got the wrong idea or something."

"How do you remember that?"

"I don't know."

Grandpa stares at my apartment as if I did something wrong with it.

"You're not dating that one boy, are you?" he asks, holding up one of Dipper's jackets.

"Umm..." I honestly have no idea how to respond.

"I'm joking." He laughs at what he said. "You two live pretty far from another." If you mean that he lives in one of the apartments upstairs, sure! He hangs the jacket, which still smells of Dipper's cologne, up on the rack.

"Grandpa, why don't you just sleep in the bed?" I ask as he starts placing covers on the couch. "I'll stay with one of my friends."



"Okay, if you insist."

I grab some random stuff and head up to Dipper's apartment, even though I said I'd stay with one of my female friends. I jump on top of his sleeping body.

"(Y/N)!" He woke up instantly. I groan, wanting to just sleep. "Why are you here?"

"Grandpa's in my bed. I'm tired. You're a girl."


"He thinks I'm staying over with one of my female friends."

"Then why are you here?"

"Because you have a closer apartment than Mabel and (F/N)."

"Okay, just go to sleep."

"With pleasure!" I lie next to him, back-to-back. He turns over and pulls me closer to his chest.

"I love you," he whispers.

"I love me too."

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