He Likes Ice Cream

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To make things easier, let's make your friend a female, okay? Also, (N-A) is a name that starts with an A, same with any other letter.
Chapter 2
He Likes Ice Cream
Your Point of View

(F/N) keeps staring at me from the passenger seat. It's pretty obvious she wants to fill in the silence.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Well, since you asked, I was wondering where you went the first week of summer, when we were twelve. I've known you for over eight years, and you've never told me!" (F/N) and I have been on the road in an awkward silence for thirty minutes, and that's what was bothering her?

"It was a boring town," I lie.

"You really think I care? Tell me!"

"Gravity Falls."

"Oh! Where your grandparents live?"

"Actually..." I tighten my grip on the steering wheel. "Grandma died, when I was there. I overheard Grandpa isn't doing so well with his health now."

"Oh. Well, let's brighten the mood a little, huh? Did you have a crush on any guy there?" Okay, I haven't exactly told (F/N) that Dipper and I are dating. She just thinks we're close friends.

"J-just one guy. Ya' know, you don't want to hear it. It's stupid."

"Ugh! Just tell me! Who was it, (Y/N)?!"

"I'm not saying."

"Friends don't keep secrets from another!"

"Secrets are kept, so no one gets hurt."

"How is this going to hurt someone?"

"Because it's someone you think I'm just friends with!" Okay, as soon as 'Because' came out of my mouth, I knew I made a mistake.

"So it's someone I know!" she squeals. "I'm going alphabetically. Rules are that you have to say 'yes', when it's right. (N-A)?"


This goes on for a while, and she finally hits the D's.





"It is!"

"Fine," I groan. "It is." (F/N) fangirls for a moment before reality smacks her in the head. Please, reality, smack her harder!

"So you and Dipper? You two are an adorkable couple."

"I didn't say we're dating!"

"But you are."


"Why did you keep this from me?"

"I didn't know how to tell you!"

"Well, I'll make a confession to you."


"I like Sander," she says dreamily. "Well, I'm not for sure if I love him. It kind of just started." (F/N), I don't know who Sander is!

"That's nice."

"'That's nice'?! Really, (Y/N)?!"

"It would help, if I knew him!"

"Fine. I'll try to arrange a double date, if he likes me. You can bring Dipper, and we can all get to know each other!"

"What am I supposed to say? 'Dipper, the ice cream truck is coming!' Then I can tie him up and put him in my car and say, 'We're going on a double date, and you're gonna like it!'"

"What?" (F/N) laughs.

"He likes ice cream. A lot."

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