MY Mistake?

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The last idea is still forming into the storyline.

I haven't thanked you guys for 51K reads on Deciphering Her Thoughts yet! THANK YOU~! Also, thank you for 100+ followers! I don't deserve this!

Well, here's what you came for...
Chapter 9
MY Mistake?
Your Point of View

I wake up, sad, confused, and slightly wanting revenge; also empty. I feel very empty. Not in the hungry kind of way.

Someone knocks on the door. I sleepily walk to it, opening it up.

"Hello?" I yawn.


"Dipper, leave."



"Hear me out!"

"Burn in hell, Pine Tree!"

He seems a little shocked by what I said. I'm not sure why.

"(Y/N), I'm not cheating on you."

"Sure, keep telling yourself that."

"I'm serious!"

"Dipper, we should have saw that coming. You keep too many secrets; I'm... I'm me. I don't know who I am! Go find someone who can live their life. I'm wishing that person better than what I got."

"(Y/N), I don't want anyone else! I want you."

"Should've have thought about that before you made out with Pacifica!"

"What? I didn't make out with Pacifica! I went to pick up something, so I left you a note on the refrigerator. I came back, and you were storming out of my apartment screaming about me cheating and mumbling something about the word 'shall.'"

"No one takes until twelve o' clock to 'pick up something.'"

"I left at seven and came back at eight!"

I cross my arms, believing what I saw.

"Okay," Dipper says. "If you can't trust me, then maybe you were right about us. This is your mistake, (Y/N)."

He slams the door shut behind him.

"My mistake?! How dumb does he think I am! I-I know what I saw!"

Yes, a voice inside my head says. You know what you saw. You know what's true.

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