Just a Little Possessive

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Chapter 1
Just a Little Possessive
Your Point of View

This actually became a normal wake-up call for me.

"(Y/N)~," Dipper says in a singsong voice.

"(Y/N)~," Mabel mimics. I smile, mentally laughing, as I pretend to be asleep.

"(Y/N), wake uuuup!" Dipper, who is either fooled by my skills or is just playing along to pour water over my head, shakes me lightly. I must have guessed right because the next thing I know, I'm covered in cold water.

"Uh!" I shoot straight up from my comfortable place on my bed. Dipper and Mabel are seriously in tears at how hard they are laughing. "Dude!" I pick up the empty bucket and throw it at him.

"Ouch!" he whines. "You threw a bucket at me!"

"Well, you used that bucket to pour cold water on me! Now it's fair." I cross my arms.

"First, you sound like you're eight. Second, you threw a bucket at me! How is cold water worse?!"

"First, if you're a person that wishes to marry your bed, there are billions of reasons. Second, you have grammar. Now use it!"

"What did I say wrong?"

"Like. You're overusing it. You could have said 'First, you sound as if you're eight'."

"Why are you lecturing me about grammar? I'm smart. I know what word to use."

"Well, you must have been the first smart guy to make an F in grammar." Dipper wrinkles is nose and puts his hands on his hips. "Aw~! You're adorkable!"

"Stop!" he whines.

"You're too cute, when you're aggravated!" I start talking to him in a baby voice.

"I'm not cute!"

"Why don't you believe your girlfriend, Dipping-sauce?"

"Because I'm a handsome twenty-year-old man. I'm not twelve anymore, (Y/N)."

"You're anything but manly."

"Why are you so mean to me?"

"It's just in my blood, Pines." I stop talking in the baby voice. "But come here. We can hug it out." I outstretch my arms.


"Dipper, hug your girlfriend! You'll regret it, when you make her mad, and she gives you the silent treatment!" Mabel, who I just notice is in another room, yells.

"She's not going to give me the silent treatment, Mabel! Right, (Y/N)?" I have my arms crossed and my face looking the other way. "(Y/N)... Aw, come on!" He climbs on top of my bed and fiddles with my hair. I giggle a little and look over to him. I run my fingers through his hair.

I peers my lips together and outstretch my arms.

"You're such a child," Dipper says after hugging me. "Now get out of bed. We're looking for a college today." I groan at the fact I have to get out of bed today.

"Dipper, I'm getting married to my bed."

"Seriously? I'm losing my girlfriend to a bed?"

"Yes." I dig my face in a pillow. "I love my bed."

"I object to this wedding." I laugh and sit back up.

"Don't worry. I'm calling the wedding off. I've met someone better."

"Should I be worried?" I push on his shoulder and roll my eyes.

"Extremely," I say sarcastically. "He's really possessive, too."

"You're talking about me, aren't you?"

"Yes! You're so possessive!"

"Because I love you, but I don't want any other guy saying that to you, so I just keep you away from them? No, I'm not possessive!"

"Oh, my gosh, Dipper."

He kiss my cheek, and I push him off my bed.

"See? You're mean to me!"

"Why are you possessive over a mean person? Might as well walk up to someone getting bullied and yell, 'Hey! That's my bully, so back off!'"

"Where do you find all these weird comments?"

"I have a possessive, twenty-year-old boyfriend that's obsessed with paranormal activities. It's my trip to reality!"

"Okay, I get it! I'm a little possessive."

"A little?"

"I'm not that possessive!"

"I haven't talked to anyone of the opposite sex that's not you or related to me in five months!"

"Okay... I am really possessive."

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