The Internet Knows Everything

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Chapter 13
The Internet Knows Everything
Your Point of View

...but that was months ago.

"Player 1 defeated. Player 2 wins!"

"Dude, you suck," I say, looking over at Dipper.

"I don't get it! I keep the other guy alive, but he keeps killing me!"

"That other guy is me." I laugh as he glares at me. "The whole point of the game is to kill the other person. Didn't you used to play games like this?"

"Yeah, but I usually played alone, so I barely remember how multiplayer works."

"Sad." I scan the room for a moment. "Hey, I'm craving butter. Do you have any butter?"

"How do crave butter?"

"I asked a question first."

"No, I don't have any butter."

"Well, I'm going to eat something." I walk into the kitchen and search through the cabinets. "Also, I don't know how you crave butter. It just happens."

"Don't eat everything. I need food too."

"No promises."

Then Bill started talking.

"What do you think would have happened if this half of me disappeared when the Pines family thought I died?"

"I think I would've just suddenly died," I reply. "and you wouldn't be talking."

"Are you talking to 'Sir William' again?" Dipper asks with that look on his face that he makes literally every time he hears the name William or the word sir. Seriously. One time he made that face when a woman called for her son, who's name was William. It's pretty obvious his jealous, but he's really cute when he's jealous, and the faces he makes when he's jealous are really funny!

"Yeah. Why?"

"Just wondering." I'm just glad he hasn't asked me who "Sir William" is in the past week. "You've still never told me who he is." Oh, hurray! I'm a jinx!

"How thick is your skull?"

"I don't know. Why would you even ask that?"

"Because it's obviously not getting to your brain that I don't want to tell you!"

"Okay, okay. I won't ask anymore. Probably. I mean, sometimes it's all I can think of for a conversation starter."

"Ask the Internet for conversation staters. IT KNOWS EVERYTHING!"

"The internet told Mabel that unicorns and mermaids are real."

"And what did you find out that one summer you were in Gravity Falls?"



"You're so loud."

"Why, thank you, Sir Dippingsause!"

And he made that face again.

Another update! (AUTHOR-CHAN, YOU ARE ON A ROLL!!) Welp, I have no news. Farewell for now, my beloved readers!

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