His Mistake

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Shout out to PrinncessBubbles101 for the idea!
Chapter 8
His Mistake
Your Point of View

I've been waiting at Dipper's apartment all day, basically just being bored. Twelve o' clock finally struck, the time I promised myself I'd leave if Dipper never showed up. I probably should have choose earlier because I'm pretty sure I can hear a feminine voice.

"Are you sure?" the voice whines. It's oddly familiar.

"Yes, Pacifica! For the last time, go home!"

"Pacifica," I snarl to myself, a serge of jealousy and anger running through my veins.

"But, Dipper!"

It all just turns into muffles after that. I get on the floor and creep around the corner. I stare at Dipper, who has Pacifica pinned to the wall and his lips on hers. The upsetting part? His eyes are closed, enjoying the kiss.

I stand up. I don't move, just stand there. I've never let anyone so deep into my heart before and had never planned to. I met Dipper and that changed. Now I see he's just another guy. Another guy who makes you giggle when he looks at you, warms your heart, and then... breaks it. To break a heart, you must first rip it out. It's a painful process no one deserves. It's something I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy. It's that painful.

"Dipper..." I shyly say. It seems to have caught his attention, making him jump back. I smile. "I just want you to know, to be this heartless, you don't deserve to be cried over. In fact, I'm glad I found this out. We're over. We shan't be friends any longer."

I walk out of his apartment, pride in myself and no looking back.

"Shan't?" I hear Pacifica question. How stupid can a person get?

"Shall not," Dipper says with a scratchy voice.

"Ew. Who uses 'shall' anymore?"

"(Y/N) does," I hear him say. "I love it that she does."

I stop in my tracks, wanting to go back. I don't. I walk on. I walk back to my apartment, where the only guy I should be worrying about is most likely sleeping soundly. Grandpa, the one guy I can trust--the one guy I should have trusted.

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