The Whole Story

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Chapter 15
The Whole Story
Author-chan's Point of View~

(Y/N) (L/N) was the kid who remained inside. Her guardian was always gone, so she had no where to go. She feared being alone, but never felt that way. Well, never felt that way since the day she met the man who lost one eye.

The man preferred (Y/N) to call him William. "Bill," he said, "will be a name for another time." Then he would smile. "Will was the name of my brother, who is best for you to not know about."

There are many places where I can start, but there's one place that sticks out the most.

"William, you never told me how you lost your eye."

"Oh, you see, I was violent, dumb kid. I punched myself in the eye while holding a stick."

"I... have no idea how to reply to that."

"Well, reply to this: have you ever thought about killing a person?"

"Sometimes I look at a person and imagine me killing them. It's bloody. Very bloody. So yeah, I think about killing people."

"Have you ever tried?" The little girl shakes her head no. "The thoughts have driven me so insane that I killed my own brother and my own parents." (Y/N) wasn't disturbed by this. She always expected he had done something like that. It shines in his only eye--his right eye.

"I wish I could've met you when you were younger. I'd like to experience your past." William smiles at her and laughs for a moment.

"You will."

William and (Y/N) had a sibling relationship.

However, William had murdered all of his siblings.

He looked utterly insane. He was cover in blood and laughed like a maniac. He looked at the dead girl's face, stopped laughing as a wave of sadness drowned him, and cried. He didn't cried when he killed his brother or his parents. He didn't cry when he lost his eye. In fact, he had never cried before. It was like the first time it ever rained. He had no idea what was happening.

He wanted the little girl back... at all costs.

"All you have to do is become a demon for all eternity."

"That's it?"

"A demon of chaos. You'll destroy everything, kill whoever stands in your way, play tricks. Ya' know, chaos."

"What about (Y/N)?"

"You can give her half of your mind. She'll eventually be reborn, and, if there were an occasion that you were erased from existence, you'll live on in her mind, speak to her even! It'll be like you're one person!"

"So what's the catch?"

"She won't remember anything, and, when she's reborn, you'll only be able to stand in one town until your death. It's a town that does not yet exist, but it will. A remote town called Gravity Falls." The demon smiled at William. "Do we have a deal?"

(Y/N) was reborn. To William, it felt like centuries. Well, actually, is was centuries. She was born to a family that will never really know her like he did. She won't even know herself like he did.

However, William was too far gone. All he thought of was destruction. He forgot about (Y/N). The Pines family had actually saved him the day they thought they had erased him, because he remembered. He remembered the young girl he could sit and talk to about death and wouldn't be frightened one bit.

In fact, he secretly thanked the Pines family.

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