The Beginning

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(F/N) = First Name
(F/N) = Last Name

               I didn't want to fall in love. But even someone who hates the 7 like me couldn't help it. He was just so charming and idiotic. Ugh and that smile so deceiving but warm. At first I wanted him dead. I wanted him to stay in tartarus with that bratty blonde girl, and never come back, but he did. It was almost as if the fates wanted me to fall in love. Wanted me to get my heart broken, because of my hatred and that Athena child. I came to camp on a rainy Sunday. I came alone. Eventually I was claimed by my father. Being a daughter of Apollo wasn't so bad. My brothers and sisters were funny, and we got to lead the camp songs. Life was good, until the day he showed up. I was the newbie the one everyone liked and wanted to get to know. And then he shows up and whilst entering he just had to go and slay the Minotaur. Like can he not. Then it was as if I was forgotten. Like a small breeze in the midst of a hurricane. Every one talked about him. Perseus Jackson. He had become the new celebrity. Some say I was jealous, but in reality I was hurt. I never had anyone and now I have a family, and then I become forgotten. Just another average demigod. And then he got that stupid quest. And even his own prophecy. Ugh is was infuriating. Son of Poseidon this, Percy Jackson that. What about me (f/n) (l/n) wasn't I special just a week ago. Wasn't I all you talked about. Why can't these people see that. I'm just lonely again. After he left for his quest things started returning to the way they were before he got here. I even made a few friends. One of my sisters, Brooke and Blake who was a daughter of Athena. I even started to develop my music skills to a point where I had solos when we led camp songs. Then he came back. And things went back to the way they were. When they all went into the labyrinth and Percy didn't come back. I was happy, as cruel as that sounds. When we were honoring him and he showed up I almost screamed. Then the war with Kronos was past us and him and Annabeth were officially dating. Things seemed to be fine, until he went missing. For some reason when he went missing Annabeth went crazy and in my mind I couldn't stop thinking about him. I shrugged it off as hatred. Then my bestfriend showed up. I didn't know we would be friends at the time, to be honest I thought he hated me. Our first encounter was when he accidentally tripped me in the breakfast hall. But turns out, Jason Grace was a better friend than I thought. If you didn't know him you'd think he was just a know it all son of Zeus and yes he can be that way but inside he is very caring, strong willed, and a surprisingly good listener. He was like the brother that I never had. Eventually Percy was found and the race against Gaea was in full affect, blah, blah, blah, you've read the books, you know what happens, and then of course they came back to camp as the Heroes. It was apparently all their doing that Gaea was now gone and that the Romans and Greeks got along now. Like we didn't help at all. What about those kids Reyna and Nico they get no credit. Have you seen what they did. But no they have the same problem of me outshines by the one and only Percy Jackson. So, now that you know my back story, the real
Story begins...

Hey guys I'm back. I don't know how often this will be updated, but I'm giving it a shot. Hopefully it should be more frequent than my other story. I am coauthoring this with squidney543 and we will be posting the same story. Hope you like it. I enjoy feedback so comment as much as you like ☺️👍🏻.

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