Infirmary Fun

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(F/N) = First Name
(L/N) = Last Name
(N/N) = Nickname
(E/C) = Eye Color

It felt as if the world stopped. We stood there in silence. Nothing moved. No one breathed. Even the boys were still. Annabeth looked like someone had just stabbed her in the stomach, while Percy looked as if he couldn't believe someone could house so much hatred. My face was as red as Rachel's hair. Then I turned and ran. Cliche I know, but what else am I supposed to do? I ran and ran and ran until my throat burned and my eyes stung. I tripped as I got to the forest and scraped my knees. Nice going idiot. I thought to myself. That was gonna hurt in the morning. As I lay on the ground I let my tears loose. I didn't know what I was crying for.
I couldn't get over the look on his face. The hurt in his eyes. I couldn't stand it. I didn't even get to look at Jason. Gosh. I can't imagine what our next meeting's going to look like. Looks like I was going to find out sooner than later. Next thing I knew blonde super man himself landed next to me.

"I don't wanna t-talk right now Jason" I said stuttering in between sniffles.

"Then I won't talk (Y/N)" he replied.

He sat down next to me. I sat up and put my head on his shoulder, not in a romantic way though. I won't ever have feelings like that for Jason. He's just my bestfriend.

"Cheer up (N/N)... Tonight's capture the flag. I'll join your team and we can-"

"Jason I'm not playing tonight. I'll just stay in the infirmary. Help the wounded. I don't want to see them."

"But (Y/N) you've been looking forward to this for forever"

"I know Jason, but I told you I just don't want to see them. Either of them. If I never saw them again it would be too soon."

"...Did you mean what you said (N/N)...?" He asked growing quiet.

"I...uh..." I began not knowing how to answer. Did I mean it? I don't understand my feelings anymore.
"Honestly Jason, I have no idea.. I mean I thought I did but, I'm not so sure now"

"I see... Well I'm always here if you need someone to talk to... I'm going to go get ready for the game... See you later."

*time skip*

I could hear the chatter of people hurrying to try and get on the best team outside of the window. I was upset that I had to stay in the infirmary but at least I could avoid my problems for now. I prepared the beds for upcoming injuries and watched as Will and Brooke ran around the building yelling orders at people. Geez. Siblings. Can't live with them, but you can't live without them. At least that's what I say. I was assigned to carry and fill the IV drips with different liquids in case of emergency.
   I had just finished when the game had begun. This was always my favorite part. The calm before the storm. Every now and then we would hear a random scream come in through the open windows, but other than that it was silent.
  I slid down onto the floor next to Will. He stared off into the distance deep in thought.

  "Whatcha thinking about Sunshine?" I asked trying not to laugh at the nick name Nico gave him.

   He rolled his eyes at my comment but replied, "The usual during any warlike situation, even if it's a game or not."

  Will has always been caring to a fault. I cannot remember a time when Will had not put his life on the life if it meant saving another's.

"You know there isn't going to be anything too serious right?" I said trying to ease the pained look in his eyes.

"You're right, (N/N). But something feels off and I just can't put my finger on it."

  "You think it has anything to do with another prophecy?.... We haven't had one in a while...."

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