What They Want

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  (Y/N) = Your Name

  Let's get one thing straight. I had never kissed a person before. Like ever. So that kiss with Connor was my first kiss. Can you blame me for making my way back to my room grinning like an idiot? Connor was in the same state as me. We held hands as we made our way down the hall, stopping in front of my door.

"Well I'll see you in a couple of hours... Get some sleep." He whispered, kissing my cheek.

"You know this doesn't mean we're dating..." I muttered blushing.

He shrugged and walked off toward his cabin.

I opened the door to me and Blakes room only to have to catch Blake when she fell.

"Were you listening to that?" I asked slightly going red.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about..." She stuttered her face turning red as well.

"O-okay..." I responded awkwardly.

"So if I had been listening... W-what would I have heard?" Blake asked nervously

"You are a terrible liar." I said glaring slightly.

I watched as she nervously twisted her short brown hair.

"It's just-I just.... I LIKE CONNOR OKAY! AND-AND YOU... YOU TOOK HIM FROM ME!!" She burst out suddenly.

"Wait wait wait... Who said anything about me and Connor?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"(Y/N) it's not fair! You knew it too! That day when the god dropped by and he looked like different people. I told you he looked like Connor." She said calming down, but looking like she was about to cry.

"Blake.... Who told you about Connor and me...?" I repeated again a little more stern.

"It was Percy! He saw you two kissing!"

"W-wait w-what! I-I-I..." I said trying to get a word out.

"I mean at least Percy had the decency to tell me"


"I can't believe you two! Sneaking off on the boat like that!" She jabbed

"H-hey! I'm sorry okay!"

"So you did sneak off!"

"Well not to see each other..."

"...what do you mean?" Blake pushed for more information.

"Look, it's none of your business! So what if I like Connor? He obviously likes me!" I yelled suddenly

Blake became quiet. I instantly regretted yelling at her.


"You know! Don't worry about it. It's fine. I'm fine. I don't even c-care...." She started but cut short because she started crying. "Please excuse me." She mumbled before rushing into the bathroom and slamming the door.

I slowly walked to my bed and plopped myself down. What had I done? Was this really better than hurting a friend?

I must've stared at the ceiling for a long time because before I knew it I had fallen asleep.

*time skip*

The next morning was as awkward as all get out. Everyone was in a mood. Except for Connor, who was bubbling with happiness, but he soon caught on to the mood and became quiet, before speaking up,

"Did I miss something here? Why are we all upset?"

I kicked him lightly under the table and gave him the 'not now' look.

After a couple snarky comments from Blake and Percy, Connor and I were put on monster duty.

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