New Beginnings

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(F/N) = First Name
(N/N) = Nick Name
(Instrument of Choice) = Instrument of Choice

      The wind blowing through my hair the sea occasionally splashing into my face, I couldn't imagine a better way of transportation for a quest. He walked up next to me, his sea foam eyes looked at me mischievously. I saw the smile in his eyes before it snuck onto his face.

"What are you grinning about Kelp Face?" I asked returning the grin.

"Just your pretty smile." He said winking.

"M-my what?" I asked shocked

"You're beautiful (Y/N)."

"Uh...thanks...I guess..." I responded, my face crimson.

"I mean it (Y/N). You are one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen and I've seen Aphrodite."

"B-but what about Annabeth..." I began.

He leaned in close to me. I could feel his breath against my lips.

"She's not here is she?"

I tried to back up but ran into the railing on the ship. Percy wrapped an arm around my waist and brought me closer.

"Looks like you can't run." He whispered into my ear.

"P-Percy... Please.... Connor and Blake... They'll see us..."

"Don't worry beautiful. They're busy." He responded.

Then he kissed me.

He kissed me like I was his world. Like there was no one else that mattered, that I wasn't alone anymore, that I wasn't forgotten, and that was exactly what scared me.

For the second time this week, I woke up sweating, haunted by a faint tingle on my lips. When was this going to stop?? I saw Brooke watching me out of the corner of my eye.

"We are going to have to prep Blake for all your nightmares sis.... She won't know what to do with you." She began warily.

"Blake not knowing what to do? You must be the one going crazy."

"(Y/N).... Please tell me what's bothering you... This is the second time this week that you've woken up like this..."

"I'm fine. Honestly. It's just all the stress building up because of the quest. That's all..." I responded not looking her in the eyes.

"If you're sure..." She didn't look convinced, "You do realize that when the first one happened you had no idea of this quest?"

"Umm well....I was still stressed." I mumbled out.

"I get that you don't want to talk about it (N/N), but feel free to Iris message me or Will while you're gone." Brooke looked at me with worried eyes.

"Don't worry sis, I will."

*time skip*

I walked out toward the lake where I could see a white sail boat sitting at the dock. It had white sails and a light piney wood deck. As I got closer I realized it was bigger than normal.
I had my single bag with a few pairs of clothes and other essentials, and in my other hand I had my trusty (Instrument of Choice). My sword was clamped to my hip in its holder. I could see my new 'team' along the shoreline saying their goodbyes before we took off. I averted my eyes from Percy and Annabeth and zoned straight in on Jason. The closer I got, the heavier my feet felt. The truth was, I didn't want to say goodbye to my blonde superhero. He was my best friend after all.

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