Fist Fight

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(Y/N) = Your Name
(Y/L/N) = Your Last Name
(N/N) = Nick Name

The first few days on the ship, now called the Flounder (thanks Percy), had been uneventful. For the past two days Percy and I had been avoiding each other. At least when we could. We would make eye contact when we would get food or sometimes when we would be walking down the hall.

Connor was another story. He was constantly around me. Not that I minded. Connor was a really nice kid. But I mean constantly. It was like if he left my side he wouldn't be able to breathe. It was always a relief to settle in the room I shared with Blake.

A few times I caught myself sleep walking. I typically do that in my cabin, but my siblings usually don't let me get out of the room. Since they weren't here, I'd end up in random places around the ship. One time I ended up leaning on the railing. I don't know how that would have gone if I had walked any farther. Another time, I woke up trying to opening Percy's door. That to me, is much much worse than walking over the railing. Both times no one saw me and gods of Olympus am I happy about that, but because of my night adventures, I was constantly tired. But no one questioned it. Not until now....

"(Y/N)... (Y/N)! Wake up!" Blake yelled patting my arm.

We were on monster duty and I had leaned against the rail for just a second..I guess I fell asleep again.

"What... Sorry yeah, I'm up" I said in a sleepy daze.

"What's wrong with you? That's the third time this hour!" She demanded.

"I ...uh...." I started, but I felt my eyes drooping again.

"You need to go rest..."

"But Blake, we are on monster duty. I can't sleep. Plus I don't want to leave you alone."

"Don't worry about it, I'll get Connor. Go sleep."

Without another protest, I went to our room.
Shortly after, I flopped onto the mattress on my stomach, my arms stretched out on either side of me. I guess I was so tired and comfortable that I didn't notice the room only had one bed...

*time skip*

I blinked open my eyes, momentarily confused. I sat up and ran my hands through my hair, yawning before realization hit me. This smell... This room... Oh schist! I thought to myself.

I heard footsteps coming towards the door. Nope. Nope. Not now. This can't be happening.

I jumped to my feet and made a dive for the door. I quickly opened it, and came face to face with Kelp Brain.
We both stared at each other for a few seconds in shock.


"I c-can explain. I promise!" I muttered as fast as I could.

Suddenly and loud screeching noise echoed through the hall, followed by Connor and Blake's screams.

"I guess I'll find out why you were in my room later" he said as we ran towards the screams.

As I stepped out onto the deck I looked up and saw a monster that looked like a giant squid and a shrimp had a baby.

My first instinct was to charge the beast, but then looked around frantically for Blake and Connor.

"Awe Crap!" I heard Percy mutter from right in front of me.

"What is it this time? Another one?" I asked back.

"No, but I think it's worse."

"What could possibly be worse than a second monster"

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