Bottom of the Lake

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(F/N) = First Name

After dropping Connor back off at the infirmary (where he was supposed to be) I quickly went to go find Jason. As I walked out the door I spotted him. I rushed over and grabbed his arm. He looked at me and had an emotion of worry and joy displayed across his face.

   "I'm not letting you go." He said looping his arm through mine.

  I let out a laugh

"Jason calm down, your feminine side is showing."

"(Y/N) I'm being serious."

"Why? I finally get what I've been dreaming of my whole entire life! I'm finally getting the chance to prove myself. Don't you get that...?" I said looking him in the eyes slowly starting to back away.

   I ran down to the lake away from everyone. When I finally reached the lake I sat underneath a tree right on the edge so that I could dangle my feet in the water. I heard a crunch behind me.


  The footsteps grew closer and I felt my adrenaline start to rise. I turned around slowly.

  "..hey (Y/N)"

"Ohh... hi Percy"

"I need to talk to you."

"Um.... Okay... B-but I can't talk now.." I muttered beginning to back away toward the lake.

  He took a step toward me. I kept backing away until I was at the edge of the dock and my foot slipped. I fell into the water.
  Panic instantly took over me. You see... I can't swim... I instantly started to freak out even if it made me sink faster. Eventually I gave up. All of a sudden I saw something dive into the water. I was losing air fast. If I didn't get air soon I was going to drown. 
  Next thing I knew I felt a hand grab onto my wrist and pull me close to them. An air bubble spread around me and Percy.

  "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING??! You could've drowned-" He yelled at me.

  Wait a minute... I'm at the bottom of the lake with Percy... Oh gods...  I thought quickly backing away to the edge.

" I CANT BELIEVE YO- what's your problem?" He asked stopping in mid sentence.

He took a step towards me. I quickly drew Elafris pointing it at his throat.

"Don't you dare." I said my voice icy.

"What's wrong with you!?! I just saved your life!!"

"Why did you even come to see me in the first place?" I said my voice beginning to rise.

"I wanted to know your opinion on transportation!! Put that thing away! You're going to pop it! Do you want to die?!?" He yelled again

"No but if you come near me I won't be the one dying! Get me to the surface." I yelled back

"You're ridiculous! I can't deal with you! I wish Annabeth was coming rather than you!"

"Annabeth?!? How can you put up with that-that- that-"

"Hey!! Watch it! That's my girlfriend you're talking about!"

"I don't care who she is to you Mr. 'I'm so popular' acting like everyone loves you, when obviously they don't."

"Actually I think that's just you"

"HOW COULD YOU?!?" I yelled charging toward him.

I didn't care if we were at the bottom of the lake or in a bubble. I saw red and I wanted him dead. He kicked me in the stomach knocking me to the ground. He jumped over me and pinned my wrists to the ground. I flailed trying to get him off of me. Eventually I gave up and glared up into his sea-foam eyes.

"LET ME GO" I demanded.

"Not until you explain!" He retorted.

"What is there to explain?"

"Why do you hate me?!?"

I was about to say something when I realized the position we were in. His face was inches from mine. Not to mention the fact he was sitting on me. My face turned so red I thought I was going to explode.

"P-p-please get off of me." I mumbled

"I told you. Not until you explain." He replied.

"S-seriously just get off." I said even quieter.

"Fine but then you are going to explain. Do you understand?"

I nodded my head and as he got up,I hurried to the other side as fast as I could.

We stared at each other for a few minutes, my face still red. Suddenly he cracked a smile.

"I get it... You like me."

"-WHA- NO! Ju-NO!!"

He started laughing. I hate his laugh. I hate him.

"Perseus Jackson you let me out right now or I swear to the gods I will end you."

"Ooohhh she used my whole name. I'm so scared."

"You better be. Just remember who beat you in the tournament" I snarled at him.

"Fine if you really hate me that much I'll let you out..." He said "but we still need to discuss transport."

"Oh believe me. I do. I'll go, but I get to sit under the tree and not trapped under water."

*time skip*

After a long awkward, painful conversation, we finally came to the conclusion that we'd be traveling by sea.
I went to go find Jason and apologize. The sun was just starting to sink when I reached the steps of the Zeus cabin. I knocked on the door to the cabin and was immediately greeted by a bone crushing hug from by best friend

"Hey, Sparky. Sorry for running off." I said sheepishly.

"I'm the one who should be apologizing... I don't want you to go because I don't want you to get hurt. That's all. I can't lose my best friend."

I smiled

"By the way... Percy's like a pet goldfish. You constantly have to feed him and always worry if he's going to die."

"More like an annoying rat. That you can never get rid of." I scoffed.

"I know you don't like him, or at least you say you don't. But try to be nice at least."

"Keyword here is: try." I mumbled.

Jason laughed and playfully punched me.

"Come on dork, we're gonna be late for dinner."

Hey guys I'm back with another chapter. You start your quest next chapter! How was that Percy encounter? Did you think it would progress that fast? Nah. We got plenty more things to talk about.

Thanks for all the great feedback so far. You are what gives us the push to write another chapter. I am coauthoring this with squidney543 and we will be posting the same story. Hope you like it. I enjoy feedback so comment as much as you like ☺️👍🏻.

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