The Right Path

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Blake's POV

Okay, don't panic. Don't freak out... keep yourself together.. Think logically, what would Athena do? What would mom do.... What would I do? All these thoughts and more were swirling through my head as I looked around the dark cavern. What's first? My friends, I need to find out if they're alright.

"Hello! Can anyone hear me?" I shout into the darkness.

"Guys? Anyone there?" I heard (Y/N) yell from somewhere in the dark. "Blake? BLAKE IS THAT YOU?!" She was becoming frantic I could tell, but before I could respond I heard Percy yell.


"I'm blocked in on both sides! Where's Connor?" She responded, my heart jumped into my throat... where was Connor?

"I'm here!" He yelled and I let go of the breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Does anyone have a clue about how we're supposed to maneuver this labyrinth" (Y/N) shouted. A labyrinth! Now that I look at it I realized we were in a maze. I was surrounded by thick walls on three sides and the vast blackness stretched out in front of me.

"If it mimics the real one then we might have a chance at this" I stated matter-of-factly.

"If it mimics the real one I would need a princess to hand me a spool of thread" Connor laughed.

"Knock it off Connor this is no time for jokes." I rolled my eyes, but I couldn't help but smile... after all he was pretty cute.

"Well, well little demigods you've failed your first test." Eris screeched from somewhere above, "You'll have to survive my maze if you value your lives."

"What have you done with Annabeth" Percy shouted. I winced. (Y/N) would not like that.

"Now, now loverboy. Your first love is in good hands, that is if you can get through the maze in time. Tick tock" Eris replied.

"We're on a timer now?" (Y/N) screamed in anger. That's when the walls started to close in.

"Everyone run!!" Percy screamed.

"I have no problem with that command" Connor quipped.

"We don't have time to waste our breath, we can check up on each other when we're safe" I reprimanded because as much as I loved them and wished I could keep joking we needed to get to safety.

"Can we even consider ourselves safe when we're trapped in this maze!" I heard (Y/N) question.

There was not enough time to reply so my unseen rolled eyes would have to suffice for now. Come on (Y/N) perk up a bit we have to believe we'll make it. I took off running as fast as I could. Go right. Take another right. I have to keep going right I told myself as I tried to remember the details of the stories we had been told at camp. I didn't know where I was going but I did know the walls were closing in on me and it began to hurt! I pushed on willing myself to go faster until I saw an opening in the wall. Before I could even think that it was too good to be true, I collided with something hard, throwing me and it down into black liquid below.


"What the-" I heard a voice say. Wait I knew that voice.

"Percy...?" I questioned cautiously knowing that it could very well be some kind of trap.

"Wait... Blake? Oh thank the gods it's you I was getting so worried. Have you found anyone else?" Percy asked with a slight hesitation in his voice.

"No, I was hoping that you had." I took a second and then started to ask him about the situation "why did yo-"

"please... Blake... I can't talk about this right now let's just focus on getting to the others" he pleaded.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2018 ⏰

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