Startling Discoveries

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(Y/N) - your name
(N/n) - nickname
(E/c) - eye color

Gazing up into the starry sky that night, I could never imagine that in just two days we would be facing the goddess destined to destroy the world. Or the minor things like lying topless on a beach with two guys. Not to mention the searing pain in my shoulder.

I was nervous just thinking about the coming day, I never even attempted to swim before just out of fright. So even being taught by a son of Poseidon wasn't reassuring. The thought of swimming tomorrow brought me to think of my mother. It had been years since I even thought of her. I'm not sure if I will be able to get in the water with her on my mind. That doesn't mean I won't try for my friends sake. If it's essential to the mission then it will be done. At least that's what I'm telling myself.

Everything was quiet except for the slight sounds of my friends sleeping and the fire crackling. To be honest it was quite eerie. We didn't know what this island held. Eris could attack us at any given moment with one of her children. Non of us were in shape to battle. Between my shoulder, Blake's injuries and the fact that we were so fatigued, the entire situation seemed bleak. I feared for the future.

'Great. Nice going (Y/N), now you scared yourself to death.' I thought.

I curled in on myself hugging my knees to my chest. I laid like this for a while in the dark, listening to the crackle of the fire finding it calming, before stretching out and turning carefully onto my right side. I winced slightly from the dull ache in my arm. Lying a few feet away from me, I watched Percy's bare chest rise and fall with each breath. He lie on his back, his mouth slightly open. I laughed to myself remembering the first time Annabeth met him.

"You drool in your sleep." I whispered smiling to myself.

I wanted to reach out and pull myself closer. I wanted to lay next to him and curve my body around his, but at the same time a little part of me wanted to just watch.

'Oh screw it'

Pushing myself to my knees, I wobbled my way over to next to him. I reached down to move his arm but stopped short, hesitating for a moment.

'What are you doing? Are you crazy? He's going to think you're such a creep!' My brain screamed at me.

I ended up laying down a few inches from him and turning my body facing him.

'At least this way it looks as if I could have rolled this far in my sleep' I told myself.

He rolled over facing me in his sleep. My breath caught in my throat. His face was centimeters from mine.
I gasped slightly making a small noise. This must have been enough to wake him because moments later I was staring into his sea green death traps.

"(Y/N)? W-what are you doing?" He mumbled out, his voice scratchy from sleep.

I shuddered. I loved his voice when he was tired.

"I-I was about to ask yo-you the same..." I lied trying to cover for myself and failing miserably.

He smiled before pulling me into his chest, careful to not hurt my arm.

"It's okay." He whispered into my salty hair, "I'm scared too. But right now we need to catch up on our sleep."

I was so shocked. I couldn't move. I just nodded my head slightly.

*le Time Skip*

That's how I woke up, wrapped in Percy's arms. Blake sitting off to the side trying not to laugh and wake us up. When I opened my eyes I pretended to stay asleep so I wouldn't wake Percy. I wanted to stay like this for a while.

'Since when have you felt this way?' my brain accused me.

"Good morning Anni-" he started, cracking open his eyes "Woah! (Y/N)! Oh my gods!" He stated his eyes widening.

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