Labyrinth of Mysteries

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(Y/N) = Your Name

I fell for what felt like eternity. The wind was so loud in my ears that I couldn't even hear myself screaming. It was pitch black and I couldn't even see the people right next to me, although something told me they were there. I could feel the ground getting closer and braced myself for impact. All of a sudden I felt myself start to slow being placed onto a solid ground. I took a second before opening my eyes to look around me searching for my friends. Before long I realized they were nowhere around, hadn't they been here just a second ago? When it finally sunk in that I was alone I began to think about the events that had just unfolded. Eris had said Percy made the wrong decision. So does that mean he loves me? It has too.. right? But there's no way I've never been lucky like that. I-I I don't know what to think.

"Hello! Can anyone hear me?" I heard a familiar voice call.

"Guys? Anyone there?" I yelled and frantically looked around. It was too dark to see anything, but I could tell we were in a small room filled with stone... Like a labyrinth...Then it hit me. WE WERE IN A LABYRINTH

"Blake? BLAKE IS THAT YOU?!" I cried out.

"(Y/N)?" Percy yelled somewhere to my right. I ran towards his voice and came face to face with a wall.

"I'm blocked in on both sides! Where's Connor?"

"I'm here!" I heard him shout.

I let out an audible sigh. I'm so glad everyone is okay.

"Does anyone have a clue about how we're supposed to maneuver this labyrinth" I asked

"If it mimics the real one then we might have a chance at this" Blake pointed out.

"If it mimics the real one I would need a princess to hand me a spool of thread" Connor said slightly mocking Blake.

"Knock it off Connor this is no time for jokes." Blake chastised. I could practically see her rolling her eyes.

"Well, well little demigods you've failed your first test." Eris screeched from somewhere above, "You'll have to survive my maze if you value your lives."

"What have you done with Annabeth" Percy shouted.

"Now, now loverboy. Your first love is in good hands, that is if you can get through the maze in time. Tick tock" Eris replied.

"We're on a timer now?" I screamed in frustration. That's when the walls started coming closer together.

"Everyone run!!" Percy screamed

"I have no problem with that command" Connor quipped.

"We don't have time to waste our breath, we can check up on each other when we're safe" Blake reprimanded.

"Can we even consider ourselves safe when we're trapped in this maze!" I questioned.

I began to sprint down the dark corridor all the while aware that the walls were closing in on me. My heart was thundering in my ears. I have to get to the end... I have to! My conscience screamed. I realized too late that I had reached a dead end.

"G-guys? Help... HELP!" I screamed. My shoulders hit both sides of the wall.

"(Y/N)? Where are you?" I heard Connor scream

"Hel- Ow! It's crushing me!"

I heard something land next to me. Before I could figure out what it was I felt a hand grab mine and felt myself being propelled into the air. When I opened my eyes Connor was standing there out of breath.

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