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(Y/N) = Your Name
(N/N) = Nickname
(H/C) = Hair Color
(E/C) = Eye Color

I was sitting on the dock back at camp. Percy next to me, hands intertwining with mine. My feet dangling in the water below us, my head resting on his shoulder. The night air was cool and the stars twinkled bright in the sky.

"They're so beautiful..." I murmured, a gentle breeze blowing my (h/c)  hair off of my forehead.

"Kind of like you.." Percy responded

"You're so swee-"

"You didn't let me finish, they're like you because they are only beautiful from a distance."

"You take that back you fish idiot!" I said laughing and lightly pushing his shoulder.

"Well if you are going to get technical they are just big balls of gas, so there's another reason they are like you." Percy said cocking his head to the side smirking.

"Percy!" I shouted shoving him harder.

He laughed before pushing me back. With one last shove I pushed him into the water.  I looked over the edge expecting him to be sitting under the water glowering up at me. But when I leaned forward to look in, I didn't see him. Suddenly there were a group of bubbles and he burst out of the water and pulled me in with him.

  "Jerk" I mouthed bubbles blowing out of my mouth.

   Closing my eyes I clung to Percy, but when I awoke I wasn't underwater anymore. Instead, I was in a room with cream colored walls and big windows. I could hear the ocean through the open windows. The curtains rustled in the soft morning wind and the sun was just beginning to cover the room in a golden glow. I turned my gaze to  in front of me and saw Percy, sound asleep. I was pulled close to his chest. One of his hands was wrapped firmly around my waist, while the other was supporting my head. I lifted up my hand to brush the hair out of his eyes, but stopped, noticing a plain single band around my left ring finger. I gasped. Out of nowhere, the door to our room burst open, and in came two screaming toddlers.
One of the two jumped on the bed, she had long black hair like Percy and (e/c) eyes. The other ran over and poked Percy repeatedly.

  "Dad! Dad! Dad! Dad! GET UPPPPPPPP" he screamed, crawling up onto Percy's side.

He had (h/c) hair and beautiful sea green eyes. My breath caught in my throat. Were these my...

"Happy birthday Mommy!" The little girl, who looked to be around six or seven, screamed hugging me tightly.

By now Percy was awake and holding the little boy, who couldn't have been older than four, in his arms.

"Happy birthday (Y/N)." Percy said reaching over and squeezing my arm.

I looked out the window into the ocean and said softly "This is so surreal..."

"What was that babe?" He asked leaning forward to look in my eyes.

"N-nothing!" I squeaked, my face turning red.

"Ah well then..." Percy began, but leaned forward and kissed me swiftly on the lips before the two little ones yelled out a chorus of "Eeeeeeewwwweeeee"'s

Percy hugged me gripping my shoulder tightly.

"Ow!" I screamed out in sudden unexplainable pain.

"(Y/N) what's wrong?!" Percy asked, concern flashing across his face.

"I'm- I'm not sure..." I said while staring at my shoulder.

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