Clever Mistakes

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                Chapter One: Clever Mistakes

(F/N) = First Name
(F/N) = Last Name
(N/N) = Nickname

      It all started the day he came back. The day the war ended. The day the two camps became friends. There are many ways people can describe that day. I only think of that day as the day I lost my mind.

     "(F/N)!" I heard Jason call as he ran over, "are you ready for the tournament today? I hear there's going to be a lot of tough competition. Even Reyna is joining in!"

    "Of course I am Jason! Why do you think I'm not practicing right now. I also don't want everyone to see my mad fighting skills until I face them in the field" I replied smirking.

     "Yeah. Right. Mad fighting skills.  I'll believe it when I see it (L/N)."

     "Right back at you Grace"

     "So (N/N) who are you going to challenge?" He asked leaning on the railing of the Apollo Cabin.

   "You mean who am I going to beat? And I'm going to beat Percy Jackson obviously"

     He rolled his eyes at this, "(Y/N) when are you going to stop this... Admit it. You're obsessed with the boy."

   "No Jason I'm not obsessed. I'm just determined" I replied

   "Oh admit it already, you're in lo-"

     He was cut off by the sound of the bell ringing signally five minutes before the competition.

     "We better head out...." I mumbled

       "Yeah but you know I'm right" Jason whispered back mockingly.

        "Oh shut or maybe I might just challenge you." I said teasingly

          He laughed as we began sprinting off towards the arena.

         As we walked up to the field, a major crowd of almost all of Camp Half-Blood and a bunch of Camp Jupiter kids waited around the stadium. Turns out Percy and Jason are going to start. This was going to be a long fight... Oh well. Jason grinned and kissed Piper for good luck before walking off toward the arena. Gross.

             Piper turned towards me and sighed, "They really shouldn't have put those two first. It's going to just turn into a who's better at pointless things competition. Or it could turn out to be a really great fight. Depends on their moods."

        I laughed and nodded in agreement. Piper looked at me concerned, but shook it off like it was nothing.

     "Anyways we should go grab seats!"

         The fight turned out to be a good one. It lasted for more than an hour and everyone was on the edge of their seats but eventually stupid Kelp for Brains knocked Jason out and won. Next up was a random Athena kid vs one of my sisters, and then Annabeth vs Nico. (Nico won naturally. Good for him.) and so on and so fourth until it became my turn against Jackson.

          As I got ready to enter the field Piper grabbed my hand and wished me good luck before telling me to make him wish he lost to Jason. I laughed and begun my way to the center. He was already in the field. Waiting. I drew out my sword named Elafris and got into a fighting stance. He smirked. God I hate that smirk. I want to punch it off his face. And then he charged.

        I ran forward to meet him halfway and blocked his attack. Using the momentum from the collision to propel myself under his legs to the other side of his stance. He quickly whipped around to find that I was already running the opposite direction.

         "Hey! Why are you running in the wrong direction the battles over here!" Just then he lowered his sword. I sent a small bit of light reflecting off of Riptide into his eyes. It seemed like he thought it was a coincidence. I ran back towards him making sure to kick up as much dirt and dust as possible. Then I  waited for him to meet me where I was standing amongst the cloud that I had formulated. As soon as he got into range. I blocked his swipe with my sword and sent light straight into his eyes blinding him for a few seconds. In that time I jumped back and bent the light to my will. Making it seem as if I was standing again in the dust. When he ran for my 'clone' I made more appear around him while I snuck around behind him. Enraged after striking down two dust clouds. Percy summoned water from the lake and wet the air causing the dust to settle. That's when I struck.

           I kicked his legs out from underneath him, causing him to come crashing to the ground. As soon as he hit I yanked Riptide out of his grip and ended up sitting on top of him with both Elafris and Riptide pointed at his throat.  The crowd was silent.

          I did it I actually beat Percy Jackson. Percy Freaking Jackson. That's when the bell rang and declared me winner. I was so excited.

         "Great job" I heard him say. I looked down at him "but could you maybe put the swords down now. You're kind of scaring me"

         I quickly stood up and felt my cheeks grow hot. Wait what. No this can't be happening. It's just because I actually did it right. Not because I actually li-

         "Well good fight" he said after he got up "What was your name again?" He asked.

           "Why should I tell you? It's not like you're gonna remember anyway." I said glaring.

             That's when I walked away. I didn't say anything else. I got the occasional congrats from people walking by, but it was still nothing compared to the "you'll do better next time" and "you fought really well" that  Percy got with his water clogged brain. How can someone not remember a name spoken minutes earlier? Ugh. Such a pain.

              I tried not to let it bother me. Tried not to care. But as always... I felt forgotten.

Hey guys I'm back. I don't know how often this will be updated, but I'm giving it a shot. Hopefully it should be more frequent than my other story. I am coauthoring this with squidney543 and we will be posting the same story. Hope you like it. I enjoy feedback so comment as much as you like ☺️👍🏻.

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