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Patricia walked out of her room, making sure to shut the door and silently walked down the stairs of Anubis House. She was greeted with an unexpected surprise. Piper was there.

"Oh, hey sis." Patricia said.

Piper looked at Patricia, examining the ring from afar.

"So, I just decided I'd visit you since you couldn't come." Piper said.

"Oh, sorry about that. Something came up. Joy went missing again and we still haven't found her." Patricia said moving past Piper.

"So, whats with the ring?" Piper asked as Patricia walked to the door.

"Just something I found. Well, how long will you be staying?" Patricia said opening the door.

"Not long. Just thought I'd stop by while I was near." She said.

Patricia nodded once before opening the door and leaving.

She shut the door behind her as her phone rang. She answered it.

"Hello? Who is this?" She said.

" me...." it was Joys voice.

Patricia panicked and ended the call immediately, for fear of the rest of the conversation.

She sat on the steps by the school and covered her face. She tried to fight back tears desperately, but couldn't stop them from falling. She wiped her face and stood up. Then, she took one deep breath and walked into school.


Patricia was the first one to arrive in the crypt after school. She sat on the floor by the opening in the wall and unlocked it with her key. Eddie walked in and sat next to her.

"Missed you in biology, Yacker." He said putting his arm around her.

"I got a phone call. And it was from Joy." Patricia said.

"What did she say?" Eddie asked.

"She said, help me. It sounded so helpess and I didn't know what to do!" She said.

"We'll find her eventually." Eddie said smiling.

"So the rings, find anything about those?" Patricia asked, looking at hers.

"So, I tried to let KT wear it, to see if she felt anything you know, and it.....burnt her." Eddie said.

"Maybe we can only wear the rings?" Patricia offered.

"Yeah but why?" Eddie said.

"Love? I don't know." Patricia said looking around.

Then Eddie looked at Patricia, grabbed her hand, and kissed her. She looked up at him and winked.

"So when should the rest of Sibuna be here?" Patricia asked.

"Oh, re-scheduled it. Fabian found out and went crazy. I don't know whats gotten into him lately." Eddie said.

"But we're still having it, right?" Patricia said.

Eddie nodded.

"Just don't mention anything to Fabian. Lets check on the potions and stuff." Eddie said.

Patricia grabbed his hand as she unlocked the space in the wall. But although the potions and such were gone, something else was there.

Joy. There she was, cramped in a little ball.

The Ghost Of Ammut - HOA FanficWhere stories live. Discover now