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The Ghost Of Ammut - PEDDIE FANFIC CH.23

When Patricia woke up, she made sure Eddie was still asleep. She sat up against the wall. She still couldn't believe Mara died in the place she was sleeping outside of.

She swiftly made her way back to Anubis House, were Amber and KT waited for her outside the door. It was dawn. Amber squealed. KT grabbed Patricia's arm.

"This way to the cab!" Amber said, leading the way to the parking lot.

"Ugh. Amber I'm not even dressed." Patricia said.

Amber sighed.

"I'll give you two minutes." she said letting Patricia inside Anubis House.

A few minutes later, Patricia came out the door dressed in dark jeans, green shirt, black shoes and leather jacket. Her hair was curled

Amber smiled and lead her and KT to the cab. Patricia was the first to get in. Then KT and Amber piled in.

"You invited my sister to the wedding right?" Patricia asked.

"We invited everyone close to you. Don't worry. Stress is bad." Amber said.

"I want her to be a bridesmaid. Amber, your the flower girl." Patricia assigned everything.

Amber grabbed a notepad and pen from her purse and scribbled words down.

"Got it! Oh! Look, we're here!" Amber said as the car stopped.

They all stepped out of the car. Amber payed the cab driver.

"Ella's fashion co.?" Patricia asked.

"My aunt Perrie works here as a dress designer. She said she can get you a dress for free!" Amber said.

"You said we were going shopping, not designing." Patricia said.

"Lighten up Patricia." KT said.

Patricia slowly nodded and they walked into the weird business place.

"Hey, Leigh is Perrie in?" Amber asks the lady at the front desk.

"I'll tell her you guys are here. Go on up." the lady says with a smile.

Amber leads them to an elevator and presses the 3rd button. They are taken up in the elevator.

When the elevator opens, they are met with a hallway and many doors. Amber grabs KT and Patricias arm and leads them down the hallway.

"271." Amber mutters as she knocks on the door.

The door opens and they are greeted with someone who looks like an older version of Amber.

"Come in lovelies." the lady says, allowing them to enter.

In the room, there is a desk, three chairs and a small dressing room. Amber and KT sit in blue chairs. The lady pulls Patricia by her desk.

"Hi. I'm Perrie. I'll be designing your wedding dress and bridesmaid dresses." Perrie says, extanding her hand.

Patricia shakes her hand.

"Thanks for doing this." Patricia says

"Not a problem! So, tell me what you want your dress to look like." Perrie replies.

Patricia sits in a chair. Perrie grabs a notepad and pencil.

"I want it to be green. Not to long not to short. Keep the colours dark and the design simple." Patricia says.

Perrie draws a dress. She shows it to Patricia.

"You'd have to pick it up when you walk though. Its simple though. The bridesmaids would wear a tiny green dress with lace. What do you think?" Perrie explains.

"I love it." She says.

Perrie stands up.

"Great! Stand up so I can get your measurements." Perrie says.

Patricia stands up as Perrie takes out measuring tape.

"When should we be here to pick up the dresses?" Amber asks.

"Tomorrow. First thing in the morning." Perrie replies.

"Alright. Are we done?" Patricia asks.

"Yes." Perrie says.

Amber squeals as they leave.

"Patricia your going to look fantastic!" Amber says.

"Yay." she replies sarcastically.

"Lets get back to the house before the boys realize we're gone." KT says as they ride the elevator.

Patricia grabs her phone from her pocket and texts Eddie:


And with that, she left the shop smiling.

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