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The Ghost Of Ammut - PEDDIE FANFIC CH.14

Patricia woke up, Eddie sitting beside her.

"I figured it out!" Patricia said pointing to the space in the wall.

"What?" Eddie said confusedly.

"The sacred one, the observer?" Patricia said.

Eddie smiled.

"Oh!" He said more viberantly.

"Fabian is the observer. He has to be, with all of that weird behavior going on!" Patricia said.

"And the sacred one is Joy!" Eddie said, figuring it out.

Patricia stood up.

"Yup. Lets get back to the house before anyone notices." Patricia said


Eddie nodded and followed her out the door. They held hands as they walked back to the house.

They were surprised when they saw Jerome standing on the porch

"Where have you two been?"Jerome asked them

Patricia tried to move past him. He blocked the door.

"Tell me, or Victor finds out." Jerome said.

Eddie looked at Patricia, then mouthed 'sorry' before speaking.

"We got in a bad fight last night and when we tried to come back to the house, it was locked." Patricia said before Eddie had the chance to speak.

"Is it really?" Jerome said looking at Eddie.

Patricia gave Jerome an if-looks-could-kill face and rolled her eyes.

"You wanted to know, we gave you an answer. Let us in or else you'll be sorry." Patricia said moving past Jerome and leading Eddie inside.

Patricia quickly kissed Eddie before walking up the steps to her and Joys room.

She opened the door and saw Joy, awake, arms wrapped around her knees, rocking back and forth in the corner. Tears fell from her eyes and there was a large rip in her pajama pants.

Patricia ran over and sat beside her.

"What happened to you?" She asked.

"I've been injured..." Joy said through tears.

Patricia examined Joys leg. A large burn mark was there. But this mark was familiar.

It was the mark of Anubis, yet slightly changed. Because there was a heart around this one.

"What more are me and Eddie supposed to do?" Patricia said angrily

"I know......" Joy said.

"What? How?" Patricia said.

" might make the process of everything faster, the potion stronger, etc." Joy said.

"But, we're in high school!" Patricia said.

"So?" Joy said, wobbling as she tried to stand.

"How do I tell Eddie?" Patricia said, helping Joy.

"Oh, he'll know. I know he will." Joy said smiling as she sat on her bed.

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