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Patricia woke up earlier than she should have. It was dawn. She shook Eddie. He looked at her.

"How are we going to explain Mara?" She said.

Eddie glanced at her.

"We'll bring her out here, and say, that on our way to school, we heard someone. So, we went to check it out." He replied.

Patricia laughed.

"You seriously want to go back in there?" She said smiling.

"We have no choice." He said frankly.

Patricia stood up and walked towards Anubis House.

"Were are you going?" Eddie said.

"Back to the house. Why?" She said looking over her shoulder at him.

"So soon?" He replied.

She just nodded and continued.


Mr.Sweet sat in his office. He looked at Eddie and Patricia.

"You promise you know nothing about Ms.Jaffrays death?" He said.

Patricia straightened her jacket.

"I swear." She said tearing up.

It had just now hit her that Mara was gone. No more. Not here. Gone. Forever.

"I swear." Eddie said, looking at Patricia.

"I'm done here." Patricia said wiping her eyes with the back of her hand and leaving


Then, in walked Willow. She happily took Patricias seat.

"I should go help her." Eddie said getting up.

Mr.Sweet beat him to the door and shut it.

"No. She'll be fine. Sit." He said.

Eddie sat down.

"It was Fabian." Willow blurted.

"Willow- look, it wasn't Fabian." Eddie said.

"Let her talk, Edison!" Mr.Sweet said.

"In the crypt, in the woods! Not far from Anubis House. I was walking to Isis when I heard screaming. So I went to check it out. I got pictures, on my phone for proof." Willow said, offering her phone.

Mr.Sweet snatched Willows phone from her hand.

He examined the photos before giving the phone back to Willow.

"Thank you, Willow. I have already spoken to Mr.Rutter, who denied it....although theses pictures clearly prove he did it! May I keep your phone, Ms.Jenks?" he said.

Willow nodded.

"Um, since, Mara is gone....do you think I could move into Anubis House?" She said.

"Yes. Now your both dismissed. Go." Mr.Sweet said.

Eddie was the first to get up. He ran through the door. Willow, anyhow squeed at the thought of living at Anubis House. She slowly left the room after thanking Mr.Sweet multiple times.

The Ghost Of Ammut - HOA FanficWhere stories live. Discover now