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Patricia walked into the crypt and sat down next to Eddie on the floor. Amber and KT sat across from them. Eddie had just finished explaining everything to them.

"We have to go back into the tunnels." Amber said.

"And you want to volunteer? Go ahead." Patricia said pointing towards the open square in the wall.

"Look, nobodys going down there until we find out how to, or if its safe." Eddie said.

Patricia nodded and looked at KT.

"You said the ring burnt you, right?" Patricia asked her.

KT nodded, showing her the mark.

Patricia took her ring off.

"Try mine on." She said handing it to KT.

KT put it on.

"Ow!" She cried as she took it off.

Patricia gave the ring to Amber.

"Oh me? I'm not putting it on. Not taking any chances." She said.

"Oh come on, we have to find out." Patricia said.

Amber sighed. Then, unwillingly put it on. She yanked it off and threw it back to Patricia.

"It burnt me!" Amber said, examining her finger.

Patricia put the ring back on.

"So, only we can wear them." She said to Eddie.

. "Because your the pair of lovebirds!" KT said.

"Excuse me?" Patricia said.

"My grandfather told me. It was a story when I was a little kid. There was this couple, the pair of lovebirds, and an angry spirit. The only way the lovebirds could kill the spirit was by turning it good with their love and taking it in as their own." She explained.

"Your grandfather told you this?" Eddie asked her.

"It was a myth. It was told the sacred one, who would be the sacrifice if the lovebirds couldn't stop the evil spirit, would be forced into marriage with the watcher, the evil observer who tries to mess things up." KT said.

"Woah." Amber said excitedly.

"How do we turn the potion good?" Eddie asked.

"The story said the lovebirds must take the evil in as your own after giving the spirit the good potion." KT said.

"Take all evil and make its turn, or else everything collapses and burns." Amber silently sang.

No one payed attention to her.

"How do we do that?" Patricia said.

"Through broken glass and hidden doors, deposits of potions wait forevermore." Amber continued.

"Then at last when all evil is ceased, love will prove to be." She finished.

"Wait, Amber, what are you signing?" Eddie asked.

"It was an old lullaby." She replied.

"Its getting late." KT said getting up.

"Same time tomorrow?" Eddie said as they got up.

Amber and KT nodded and then left.

"What have we gotten ourselves into this time?" Patricia said when they had gone.

"I've got no idea. But whatever it is, we'll stop it." Eddie said, smiling.

Patricia kissed him.

"I know we will." She said.

The Ghost Of Ammut - HOA FanficWhere stories live. Discover now