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The Ghost Of Ammut - PEDDIE FANFIC CH.26

Later that day, after supper, Patricia and Eddie were walking back to the crypt together.

"You excited?" Patricia asked, taking his hand.

He lightly nodded as they reached the crypt. They sat down and played on there phones until they fell asleep.

When Eddie woke up, he was surprised to see Patricia already gone. He got up and walked back to the House, only to find a wide awake, ready-to-go Patricia on the steps.

"Your dad wants to see us in his office as soon as possible." She said, watching him go inside.

He nodded, wondering why his dad wanted to see him. After he got ready, he walked to the kitchen where Jerome and Alfie were.

"Getting worried about a certain wedding tomorrow, junior?" Jerome said teasingly.

Joy, whom Eddie just noticed was downstairs, smacked Jeromes arm. Eddie ignored the two and went back outside and sat with Patricia.

"Ready?" He said, putting his arm around her.

She smiled.

"Ready as I'll ever be. What does he want anyway?" Patricia said standing up with Eddie.

He grabbed her hand as they walked to the school together.

"I have no idea why he wants to see us." Eddie mumbled as they waited by the office door.

"Come in." Mr.Sweet said.

They did, closing the door behind them. They sat down in the two chairs provided and closed the door.

"I understand due to recent events that you two have been missing quite a bit of school." Mr.Sweet started.

Patricia nods, as does Eddie.

"You're point being?" Eddie said.

"Its beginning to become quite a problem as well." Mr.Sweet said.

"What are you going to do about it?"Patricia asked, bored.

Mr.Sweet pulled out a folder labeled 'E & P'.Patricia groaned, rolling her eyes. Mr.Sweet opened the folder and cleared his throat.

"Well, separate one of you. One of you will be switching houses." He said.

Patricias eyes widened as Eddie grabbed her hand.

"No." Patricia simply stated.

Mr.Sweet looked offended.

"Thats not gonna happen." Eddie said smiling at Patricia.

"It appears as our only choice." Mr.Sweet said.

Patricia shook her head.

"I think not." Patricia said.

"Unfortunately its our only option, sorry Miss.Wiliams-" Mr.Sweet was cut off by the sound of Patricia leaving the room.

The door closed surprisingly lightly without much noise.

"Nice try dad!" Eddie said, soon following Patricia.

He was trying to catch up with her.

"Wait up Yacker!" He said jokingly.

She smiled and turned around to face him. She kissed him and they continued walking.

"Funny trick your dad tried to pull." Patricia said.

Eddie grabbed her hand and laughed as they got to the House.

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