chapter 2

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The Ghost Of Ammut - PEDDIE - Ch. 2

Eddie lead Patricia through the hallway, down the stairs of Anubis house. When they reached the bottom of the stairs, everyone had scattered off to the living area.

But Fabian remained and sat on the bench. He stared at Patricia and Eddie contentedly.

"What just happened?" Fabian asked.

"Nothing. But I'm not leaving." Patricia said gripping Eddie's hand.

"No, I heard a scream. What's going on?" Fabian prodded.

"Nothing. It was nothing." Patricia said fixing her leather jacket.

Fabian stood up and walked over to Eddie.

"Be honest. Did anything happen up there?" He questioned his roommate.

"She saw something and got scared."Eddie said stepping back.

"No, something's up. Patricia never gets scared, even I know that. It must have been bad." Fabian said looking at them.

"Its none of your business anyway Fabian. Now lets go Eddie." Patricia said heading towards the door, Eddie following her.

"Fine. Were are you guys going then?" Fabian asked as Patricia opened the door.

"Also none of your business." Patricia said walking outside.

"It's a date." Eddie yelled as he walked outside.

Patricia closed the door and sighed.

"What?" Eddie asked her.

"It's raining." Patricia said looking out.

She was right. It was windy to. Her red hair flew back in the wind as she spoke.

"That just makes the walk more interesting!" Eddie said walking into the rain.

Patricia didn't move.

"Are you crazy?" She said crossing her arms.

"Come on Yacker. It'll be fun!" Eddie said taking her arm.

Patricia walked out into the rain and frowned.

"This is your idea of a date?" She questioned.

"Not what I had originally planned, but this will be better. Trust me." He said taking her hand.

Patricia smiled.

"Dancing in the rain?" She said fixing her hair.

Eddie nodded, scooting closer to Patricia. Patricia leaned in and kissed him on the lips, a shiver running down her back. Eddie laughed.

"What?" Patricia asked.

"You look like your freezing." He said. 

Patricia rolled her eyes.

"Well, I'm not, Weasel Face." She said looking into his eyes.

They danced in the rain, getting drenched, until it was dark. Eddie heard his phone ring.

"Um, we should probably do back inside now." He said ignoring his phone.

"Not just yet." Patricia said.

Then she took his hand into hers and kissed him again. It was perfect. Eddie smiled and they walked back into Anubis House, soaking wet.

Amber gave them a strange look.

"Where have you two been?" Amber said, examining their appearance.

"Oh, um.....outside?" Eddie said.

Amber yawned and then smiled.

"Aww, was it a Peddie date?" She said.

"No! And don't tell anyone you saw us, OK?" Patricia said letting go of Eddie's hand.

Eddie smiled at Amber. Amber winked at him and ran up the steps.

Patricia ran a hand through her red hair. Then she shivered.

"We should probably get to bed now."' Eddie said.

"We can't. We have something to do." Patricia said.

"What is it?" Eddie said, panicking.

"Ammut- shes here....right behind you.....EDDIE WATCH OUT!" Patricia yelled seeing the black shadow behind him again.

Eddie stepped closer to the stairs.

"Sh-she had an axe...." Patricia starts.

"We'll figure it out tomorrow." Eddie said, putting his arm around Patricia.

"Together." She said.

Then, seeing Victor, they quickly kissed and ran off.

Patricia reached her room. It was locked. Just great, she thought pounding on the door.

When the door to her room opened, she saw the glowing black figure in front of her again.

"Give up the boy, or suffer..." a raspy whisper said.

Then she saw it, Joy knocked out on the floor.

She had to choose. Why though? What did Ammut have against Eddie?

She was so confused and started crying. What could she do? What would she do? She reached her decision.

"Sorry Joy......But.....Eddie...he just...." her voice trailed off.

"You have made your decision.....suffer now..." the raspy whisper said.

Then, she saw Joy. She was awake. She had red eyes though. Sinner eyes. She turned to look at Patricia.

"I thought we were friends." She said.

Then, Joy disappeared into a pit of black smoke.

Patricia wiped her eyes then shut the door.

"I'll find you Joy. I promise." She said sitting on her bed, wondering what to do.

But then, feeling tired as she could ever imagine, decided she'd figure it out tomorrow.

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